Lovely Sculptures

My high school, Strake Jesuit, has a lovely sculpture garden. Speaking of photos, I’ve started a flickr photo account. I only have 10 photos on it, but I should have a few hundred by next week.

Why Flickr? It is not an ideal solution, (and also their pro membership leaves something to be desired). The big drawback is that there is no way I can save my photo’s metadata locally after my membership expires. Good: you can download full size, group photos and make comments and allow user comments. Also, a client application makes the upload process very easy. Also, you can create favorites, save friends, create profiles and transfer your images to your blog. The beta membership fee $41 is not good, but the alternative was either to use zope’s secondrate photo management products or use a php photogallery application or create my own html galleries.

So I have decided to pay $41 for the convenience of not having to install my own photo application on one of my websites. Sounds like a fair deal.







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