Can I bitch about wordpress for a moment?
I have no time to invest in customizing my weblog for a moment (although I have plans to spend a weekend doing precisely that in the near future).
But I just want to bitch for a moment about the default upgrade for 1.5 (not the most recent).
First, a new default style sheet, which isn’t awful. And some better navigation guides. But the new template just did 2 things which are absolutely stupid:
- Removed the blogroll from the archive page. WTF? It probably never occurred that the most frequent reader of weblogs is the weblogger himself trying to find an old link. I am frequently on archive or category pages and want to surf from there.
- On the archive page, the default install only includes an excerpt of the post and deactivates all hyperlinks. That, I have to say, is the most idiotic, ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. The solution exists and is rather easy to implement, but a lot of busy people never get around to it.
I’m guessing that as many as 50% of wordpress webloggers just use the default settings and templates. It’s ok to make the defaults safe and conservative. But there’s a difference between making the defaults conservative and abbreviating/crippling posts.