
More video links:

Fireant is the free windows version of Ant, the video RSS aggregator. Their windows version beta release came out recently. The product is creative commons, the interface is great, and the opportunities posed by this new distribution method are absolutely incredible. The directory of vloggers is quite finite at the moment, so now’s your time to be a star. (I won’t be getting into vlogging per se, but I fully expect to have semi regular feeds in the winter or early 2006).

From Joshua Provost, I learned about good places to get feedback about your video projects. : dvinfo forums and the more upscale cinematography.com.

Random topics of interest:
How to film in a boat
, discussions of Panasonic GS-400 limitations, lighting setups, lowlight enhancement in the Panasonic GS-400. I’m getting to the point where this weblog is less about literature or technology or programming than my ignorance. It’s not a weblog; it’s a learninglog.



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