Update: Latest information is found on a site I created for tonight’s event called Copynight 1922. You can ask questions, make comments or keep up with the debate by going to this site. Also, I’ll be putting resources for today’s discussion on the website. Remember that there is wireless at Nexus Cafe! Be sure to check it for the latest information!
Event: Public Debate: Copyright, Technology and the Arts
Date: Wednesday July 27, 7:00-8:30 PM
Location: Nexus Cafe, 2828 Rogerdale (a block away from Rogerdale and Westheimer). Second floor of Walden Internet Village Apartments ( Map)
Cost: Free. (Also free WiFi onsite!)
Debate Topics:
- Does current copyright law help or hurt artists?
- Will technological innovation increase or decrease copyright infringement?
- What is the impact of Grokster vs. MGM Supreme Court decision on publishers, web site owners and inventors?
This debate will feature a panel discussion of local experts. Panelists include:
- Katherine L. Sunstrom is an intellectual property attorney with Goldstein & Faucett law firm and Houston weblogger.
- (Update: Our musician on the panel had to cancel due to a schedule conflict. We might have lined up another musician by the time this event starts) . Or maybe not
- Robert Nagle (myself) is a fiction writer and documentary filmmaker. He writes frequently about technology, copyright and artist advocacy issues on his idiotprogrammer weblog.
This event is sponsored by Copynight Houston, a monthly social gathering of people interested in restoring balance in copyright law. We meet over drinks once a month in many cities to discuss new developments and build social ties between artists, engineers, filmmakers, academics, lawyers, and many others. (Sign up for our mailing list).
You can park at the front of the apartment complex or at the church next door (where parking is plentiful).
For more information, contact me Robert Nagle at this email: idiotprogrammer at fastmailbox .net