Killing the Ulysses Butterfly

According to Greg London:

CC-BY and Sampling-Plus are gift economy licenses. Sampling and NonCommercial are market economy licenses.

Gift economy licenses are less restrictive and give people more rights. Market economy licenses are more restrictive and allows the author to give some rights to people but withold more rights to themselves.

Kris Saknussemm on 5 tips to avoiding disaster in getting your book published

I struggled for years trying to find a form for my writing, flitting around like a Ulysses butterfly. The moment I gave myself permission to write an action/adventure story, things started falling into place. Modern art has provided artists with unparalleled and some might argue paralyzing freedom. Don’t waste time trying to create a new form. It’s given to very few people in any medium to do that — and many of their achievements end up looking like legless Birds of Paradise later. A seemingly simple repetitive musical style like the Blues has proven capable of expressing the full spectrum of human experience and has inspired countless variations and mutations. Give yourself over to an established structure and follow its guidelines, and suddenly interesting points will emerge to surprise you.

His personal site is here, but warning, it has flash and sound and all sorts of garbage (don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

Grumpyoldbookman (aka Michael Allen) has another solution: Choose any one, and don’t start writing till you’re established.

First Tip. Become a celeb. The writing will be done for you. (This is the only way to guarantee success.)

Tip #2. Make a name in journalism. You’d be surprised how many novelists start this way.

Tip #3. Join a publishing house. Make a favourable impression on the people who matter.

Tip #4. Make social connections with significant people in the literary world.

Tip #5. Get something interesting on your CV – e.g. become a hit-man, or the victim of hideous persecution. Publishers will prefer you to begin with non-fiction, but you might well become a novelist on the strength of it.

(Grumpyoldbookman has published On the Survival of Rats in the Slush Pile available as a free PDF download.)

All this is sensible advice, but he has forgotten one almost obvious thing: blog promiscuously and occasionally tease your readers with chapter excerpts. I frequently buy books by bloggers (and I’d do it more often if we had better ebook platforms and reading devices).



