I’m determined to do my website in a weekend and started downloading/installing, only to be distracted by two things.
Great programming video by Sean Kelley on deploying a plone site and specifically creating a simple archetype using ArchGenXML and ArgoUML. Basically you use a modelling tool to create a .xmi file which ArchGenXML converts to an archetype product. This is not something I need to worry about in my weekend of plone, but it definitely is worth looking into when I do my customizations. (I found it awkward to create archetypes in a text editor or python IDE when I tried it before, but time will only tell what’s the best way to do this.
Here’s written documentation about doing precisely that. Here’s the free ArgoUML modeling tool for creating .xmi files.
In the meantime, here’s where I’m starting out for my laptop deployment.
Why the sudden switch to doing plone stuff?
- I accepted a short term assignment where I was helping a technical writer document an Oracle-based product, and was already in the follow-the-directions/be-one-with-linux mindset.
- Because of said assignment, I was too tired at night to focus on my creative writing. (Translation: I’ve hit writer’s block, and this is kind of a distraction until my creative side recuperates).
- My pump for my exercise ball has still not arrived (and it is driving me crazy!)
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