Dahr Jamail on Lebanon and “terrorism”:
Then we can just look at the coverage of the casualties; I bring up Hizbollah being referred to as a terrorist organization over and over in the corporate media. When we simply look at the statistics. We have over 1,300 Lebanese killed by the Israeli war of aggression, over 90% of those civilians. And then we look at the other side where roughly 150 Israelis died; over 50% of those were soldiers. So just looking at that statistic alone, who is the terrorist organization, or more specifically who is the terrorist state?
Recently on his weblog Jamail has been focusing on Israel.
Jonathan Cook on Israeli’s discriminatory marriage laws:
According to Rubinstein’s recommendations, Palestinians and inhabitants of “hostile” (read Arab) states who marry Israelis (read Israel’s Palestinian citizens) will be banned from rights to either citizenship or residency in Israel.
Other non-Jewish spouses (read mainly Europeans and Americans) will face age and income requirements and be expected to affirm a loyalty oath — not to Israel, but to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. In keeping with current policy, non-Jews are unlikely to receive citizenship but may be eligible for residency rights.
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