Random Political Observations

Why does time.com have an editorial about Ann Coulter linked to from its front page? Is it possibly because Time Magazine/CNN had past affiliations with Random House/Bertelsmann? One article, fine. Any scandal is worth an article. But a cover story? And follow ups?

I won’t read the comments, but I’ve been enjoying Greg Sargent’s political commentaries. Here’s a classic post about how Thomas Friedman uses conditional statements to sound firm while really being wishy-washy.

However tempting, I will not link to the scandal of the day involving an outed gay porn star being a rising Republican.

There are so many thoughtful and intelligent commentators out there. (Try for example this one–who is brilliant!) Mainstream media just doesn’t get it. Readers of Internet media don’t want to be bothered with the sort of tripe 24 hour news clutter their TV programs with. They expect more. Time magazine has lots of great writers; why has it started to resemble a gossip column? Even Thomas Friedman (who I’ve basically respected) seems to have a limited range for viewing the world. His elitist views towards globalization stem partially from the unfettered access he enjoys with world leaders. You can’t blame Friedman, but he no longer feels comfortable whispering anything controversial (contrast that with fellow NYT reporter Frank Rich, who lacks the access–and frankly the experience–but is unafraid to tackle important domestic issues.).

I’m sure Time magazine (and their accompanying blog empire) will cover the gay outing scandal in depth.






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