In response to an article saying that Bush’s chief domestic advisor was quoted as saying, ““I am never going to hire another woman because they just get pregnant and leave.” a Digg commenter writes:
It’s upside down land. I think every BushCo or GOP official is told to do the exact opposite of their job description:
- Foley, legislating Child Protection = Foley solicits pages
- Tobias, promoting Abstinence = Tobias hires prostitutes
- Rumsfeld heads Defense = instigates war, fails to achieve peace, degrades armed forces.
- Rice heads State = won’t conduct diplomacy — “it sends the wrong message.”
- Gonzales heads Justice = “constitution, treaties are quaint, meaningless.”
- Bush as Commander in Chief = “I do what the Generals want.”
- Cheney, with no official duties except to survive = runs government from secret bunker, has heart condition that could kill him at any moment.
- Domestic policy adviser thinks “domestic policy” means “moms stay home.”
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