Matt Cutts on how to determine whether to do an audio or video podcast: head over to the site and submit your photo. If you’re a 7 or above, do a video podcast. If you’re a 6 or below, stick to audio podcasts. (by the way, I’ll probably be doing video tutorials very soon!)
I’ve actually been researching seo and wordpress. Here’s a small list I’ve gathered so far of the most notable sources:
- SEO Moz Experts weigh in on SEO strategies. Nonsubscribers are only allowed to see the front page. Still, there’s a lot there.
- Holy moly, did you know it’s pretty easy to figure out which plugins a wp blogger is using? . (Bill Hartzer provides tips on how to prevent that).
- here’s a good list of wp plugins.
- One blogger Douglass Karr finds text link ads to dethrone google text ads. Egad, can’t these ad companies come up with catchier name for their services?
- Miriam Schwab has compiled a list of SEO-related WP plugins. Not to be confused with the SEO_Wordpress plugin. Can’t somebody just call it “Jeremy’s Cool plugin”?
- Explanation of things that google penalizes about websites. Here’s what google says about duplicate content.
I have discovered several interesting things. First, Google tends to regard as “suspicious” inbound links that come from domains with the same IP address. Second, google is excluding duplicate content –like Weblog Archives and Category Listing of Content. The All-in-one SEO WordPress plugin even offers options to exclude these links by default. Third, SEO is time-consuming and a pain in the butt. My head hurt just thinking about it. Frankly, thinking you can outsmart google is generally going to be a losing proposition.
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