Regular readers know that I crosspost at teleread about ebooks, so I don’t usually waste valuable blog space here. But here are two especially noteworthy links:
- Wowio lets you download free pdf ebooks from several notable publishers (including Oxford U. Press and Insomnia Press). Download quota is 5 per day.
- David Rothman from Teleread reports that you can convert the wowio PDFs to mobipocket format on Mobipocket desktop’s import program. I tried it and generally can confirm it works. But I’ve noticed that file size is bloated with raster images of certain pages. That’s very strange. Also, it seems to look ugly on Sony Reader. (Update: David R.’s instructions specifically say not to open them in Adobe Reader before converting. That might be the problem).
- Harry T. has written up a great tutorial about using the free program BookDesigner to create ebooks. The actual tutorial was written/updated in June, so it’s pretty recent.
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