Presentation (August 25): Optimizing for Reading: The Art and Science of Presenting Content

This Saturday I’ll be giving a presentation with Gerry Manacsa at Barcamp Houston.

(See my post-presentation wrapup here)

Subject Optimize for Reading: the art (and science) of presenting content
Date: August 25, 2007. Probably 10:00 AM. (There is no set schedule, but we’ll probably be presenting before noon).
Location: Houston Technology Center
Cost: Free! (as is attendance at Barcamp Houston).

  • Reading on the Web: Why It’s Awesome, Why It Sucks
  • The Agony (and Ecstasies) of Intensive Reading
  • Packaging Content (and implications for content creators)
  • How hardware is constraining (and liberating) the way we read
  • Ad-supported content (i.e., “How Not to Irritate Readers”)

Robert Nagle is a Houston-based fiction writer and associate editor of TeleRead, a site about ebook technologies and publishing.

Gerry Manacsa is a senior designer for Wowio Ebooks, a site that publishes and distributes free ad-supported ebooks. He is also a Houston resident.

Recording/Notes I’ll try to record this session and make the mp3 available when I can. (I’ll post the URL here and possibly elsewhere when it’s ready). I’ll try to put the presentation up as well.

Show and Tell : As an added bonus, we’ll have lots of reading gear, ranging from the low-tech to the high tech.

By the way, feel free to say hi to me if you show up!



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