People who follow this blog via the RSS feed may have noticed a paucity of posts recently.
There are two reasons. First, I had hardware problems which are fortunately behind me. Second, I’ve figured out a way to separate my content into several weblogs. If you are at my main webpage, you will see widgets on the right containing feeds from my other weblogs. First, the RSS feed for my Teleread posts on literature and publishing. I post two semi-substantial pieces per week on that. Second, I resurrected my old Share the Music weblog (RSS Feed here). I’ve been listening to a lot of jamendo music over the past year and want to throw together some casual reviews (usually one or two paragraphs) over there. I am a fanatic about creative commons music ever since I swore off major labels in 2003. By the way I’ve included a separate page with my jamendo music playlists (which seems to be malfunctioning at the moment–hopefully a temporary thing).
Some other things are preventing me from posting regularly. First, I am currently looking for work, either fulltime work or contract gigs. I’m generally looking for technical writing/technical training gigs (here’s my resume). Second, I am helping David Rothman upgrade his Teleread site. I originally was going to upgrade it to Plone, but now it looks like the primary CMS will be Drupal instead of Plone (although I still hope to incorporate plone in parts). This will take a lot of time. Third, I am close to launching my storytelling podcast very soon.
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