Today I just switched to AT&T Naked DSL. That means DSL service without the requirement that you pay for landline service. Previously I was paying $22/month for 1.5 Mbps DSL and $16 for a phone line.
Here are the terms and rates. First, the $50 rebate on your modem doesn’t count if you are obtaining High Speed Internet Direct (i.e., naked DSL).
- 1.5 Mbps/.384 is $29/month
- 3.0Mbps/.512 is $34/month
- 6.0 Mbps/.768 is $39/month
Now here’s the punch line. There’s no service contract. Nada! So I’m now getting twice the Internet speed at $4 less than I was paying previously. Really I toyed with the idea of upgrading to 6.0 Mbps, but I can’t stand that much excitement all in one day.
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