Month: June 2008
Details of my September Europe trip.
I’ll be leaving Thursday night from Houston and meeting a Ukrainian student friend of mine in Stuttgart Germany Friday night. I’ll stay in Germany for 3 days, go to Ireland for 8 days, return to Stuttgart to catch a plane to Tirana (where I’ll spend 8 or 9 days). I plan to visit friends in…
Unclear Instructions (and other Pet Peeves)
I received an email from a friend about the date of an event. the date is July 25, 2008. Phrasing that way is unhelpful. Is this a Monday or Tuesday or Friday or what? I cannot understand why people don’t use both bits of data. I don’t remember dates. I remember days of the week. …
Natural Curiosity
There is really only one legitimate reason for putting Google Adsense on this blog; to see what kinds of businesses will pop up as a result of keyword buys. Honestly, I have no idea. Ebooks? Sexual aids? Dating Services? SEO consulting? Really, your guess is as good as mine.
Sweeping landslides of indifference
From Jim Hightower’s book, If the Gods had meant us to vote, they would have given us candidates: In 1994, the year of the Republicans’ “Big Sweep,” 22% of eligible voters voted Republican and 19% voted for Democrats. In 1998, they reported a “Democratic Party Comeback” when the Republicans dropped to 18% of eligible voters…
E-rotic Europop: Mindless, Sexy and Embarrassing (and very fun!)
I lived in Albania for 2 years during which I sat in many a bus travelling for hours from one city to another. We were at the mercy of the bus driver’s musical tastes. I remember vividly hearing La Macarena all the time (it was an incessant banality even in Albania ). Every bus driver…
Perils of Mandatory Arbitration
I am currently embroiled in a minor dispute about HSBC credit card. They treated me shabbily and then continued to assess fees. And I continue to protest and am willing to bring it to small claims or mandatory arbitration. I am a stubborn SOB when I am in the right. Here’s a news-breaking article in…
Does Socializing Help the Elderly (or Does Reading)?
Tara Parker-Pope on whether socializing helps elderly people healthwise. Actually the comments are much more interesting that the blog post itself: One Barbara writes: I am growing weary of these studies and how valid the results are. There is a huge bias in our society that being social is better than being a loner. I…
Totally Random Cory (and Danah)
While googling for something else, I came across a great disclaimer SIG written by Cory Doctorow (recorded on Danah Boyd’s weblog–here’s some Best Of here ). I don’t read either person anymore, a fact which is both shocking and inexcusable. (One reason for this is that their thoughts usually are captured by another blogger’s flyswatter).…
Things to say (which I will not say)
Over the past week or two I’ve made mental notes to blog about a few things. Whenever I have free time to do so, I have absolutely no desire. Blogging is something you have to do on a whim. I become a little worried when bloggers spend a lot of time constructing their thoughts. I…
To hell with Interactivity
I have an online fiction site (under a pseudonym, sorry) which I plan to do a complete makeover for. I am flirting with the idea of making the site completely non-interactive. My original plan was to run it using a content management system (wordpress or something like that). I was going to write my stories…
Back in the Saddle Again
Wow, my entire blogging empire has been offline for 4 days. The data center for our hosting service had a major fire, causing a million domains to go offline. We are 90% restored (and I might say more later), but for the time being, check out my teleread essay Reading and Romance: Why Book Titles…