Update: Blogging at Teleread

I’m back from my Europe trip. It was a great trip, and I still haven’t gotten settled in, and I’ve been a little sick.

I just wanted to mention that I edit a blog/journal called  Teleread  with David Rothman. David had a heart attack last week, so I’ve been busy managing things there (and it will probably be that way for the next few weeks). Because I expect to be posting more frequently on Teleread over the next few weeks, posting on my personal blog will be less frequent.  If you want, you can check the teleread posts written by me.  (Nothing of note there yet, but by next week, there will be).






2 responses to “Update: Blogging at Teleread”

  1. OLHA Avatar

    hi! Thanks for stopping by on my blog. Looking forward to read some of your recent bits.
    So you have been to Albania and Germany?! How cool!

  2. OLHA Avatar

    hi! Thanks for stopping by on my blog. Looking forward to read some of your recent bits.
    So you have been to Albania and Germany?! How cool! I also have just gone to Berlin for the first time – very interesting place, great art there.

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