Month: August 2009

  • Sense of Humor

    “What do you mean I have no sense of humor! I’m funny! I understand your jokes! Well, no, not really, but I know what humor is!” John Cleese.

  • In 8 years your chances of dying will double!

    Cartoon Law of Physics. Advertisers are dumping Glen Beck. Finally! Digby: It’s Ok if you’re a Republican. From a trackback, I see a blog about weird garage sales. Sex columnist and blogger Dan Savage gives some hilarious talks (available on youtube). Whack a Kitty, a humorous cat video. Video: How to Tell People they Sound…

  • The disappearing Greeland ice sheet: Pearl Harbor for the world

    Sharon Begley on the amount of permafrost in Greenland: Scientists have long known that permafrost, if it melted, would release carbon, exacerbating global warming, which would melt more permafrost, which would add more to global warming, on and on in a feedback loop. But estimates of how much carbon is locked into Arctic permafrost were,…

  • Ragging on Right-wingers

    On why Republicans oppose mass transit: Right wingers are always opposed to trains. Whether they are a good idea or might benefit the region is irrelevant. Trains, you see, are too European, too communal, too communistic. Light rail, passenger rail, it doesn’t matter. It is a waste of tax money because it is a train.…