Nobel Predictions

Nobel predictions: 1. Mario Vargas Llosa, 2. Milan Kundera, 3. Adonis, 4.Ngu~gi~ wa Thiong’o, 4. Umberto Eco, 5. Haruki Murakami. I think this year they will pick a well-known widely-selling novelist in an overlooked region. Personally, I would …love to see Kundera win (or if American), Joyce Carol Oates.

I think this will start a trend of nobelists being relatively popular and widely available in English translation (in other words, household names).

I would feel really stupid if Kadare wins though (given my knowledge of him by living in Albania)…don’t know if man booker awards have any influence on Nobel decisions.

I wouldn’t mind terribly the harry potter lady winning, although if you’re going to go harry potter, you might as well pick Eco or Kundera….

i also wouldn’t mind Oates winning, if only so I could say I have met personally 3 Nobel prize winners.

it’s such a silly parlor game. And yet i love it!

(I still remember checking the cnn site every 5 minutes in the middle of the night to see if Gore won the Peace Prize. I was exultant at that).

Please note: I have predicted almost none of the Nobel prize winners correctly over the last 20 years.






2 responses to “Nobel Predictions”

  1. Ruben Avatar

    You should review that list. Kundera has won it already, many years ago.

    Considering that you imagine the Harry Potter lady winning it, means that you know too little about this.

  2. Robert Nagle Avatar

    Seriously, Ruben, check YOUR facts . Perhaps you are confusing Kundera with Imre Kertész?

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