Month: July 2010
Robert Flynn has an ebook! (Last Klick)
I posted that belated wrapup of Robert Flynn links as a result of receiving an email from my writing teacher which mentioned (among other things) that his Last Klick novel is now an ebook. It sells for the very affordable price of $1.99. I’ve read a few novels and short story collections by Robert Flynn.…
Robert Flynn has a blog!
Collection of essays by Texas fiction writer Robert Flynn, with excerpts. Religious satire, Texas life, political observations. Flynn was my writing teacher at college.
Various comments to posts
I responded to various climate change posts over the last few days. Before I mention them, let me mention Dave Robert’s astute political analysis. He pins the blame on the broken political processes in the Senate: The U.S. Senate is already an unrepresentative institution: Wyoming’s two senators each represent 272,000 people; California’s two senators each…
Logical Mistakes
While I try to get my life back to normal, here are two links to eliminate mental defects (or at least to help you to laugh at them): Wikipedia’s list of cognitive biases. Paul Cox’s Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes. (Don’t forget The NonSequitur for real-life examples of all kinds of fallacies). Speaking of flawed statements,…
Switching to Green Geeks!
The changeover hasn’t taken place yet, but I’ve signed up for shared web hosting at Green Geeks, a 300% green web hosting company. I had heard about them when I wrote my article about green web hosting for Techblog. Believe it or not, green hosting is practically the same price as non-green hosting (which says…
Political crises: The Cold War vs. Climate Change
Similarities (and differences) between the 20th Century Cold War/nuclear weapon crisis & the 21st Century climate change crisis. By Robert Nagle
Sen. Cornyn, your climate change position is atrocious
My letter to Senator Cornyn about the need to pass climate change legislation
Tutorial: How to control the crap which appears on your Facebook wall
Screencapture courtesy of the wonderful SnagIt software. That said, I have to admit that I am not telling half the story here. First, you can use the dropdown menu to fine-tune who can see these wall posts. You can even create customized groups that can’t view your wall. Facebook is adept at hiding options and…
Something I am really proud of!
I’ve been writing a technical book on Plone and uncovering all sorts of user issues and bugs. I’m particularly proud of finding this one: it’s something that software developers would never notice – and yet would bug the living crap out of anybody creating content. One little known fact about technical writing is that you…
Green Linkdump 1: 392.04 and rising
Well, the CO2 count is now 392.04. In totally unrelated news, 2010 has been setting temperature records. While reading James Hansen’s Storms of my Grandchildren, he reminded me that George W. Bush promised during the 2000 presidential campaign that he would regulate CO2. 3 months later, he changed his mind. Hansen argues that this empty…
A new blogging strategy
Believe it or not, I usually hate blogging. It can be distracting, and it’s impossible to decide what to blog about. There’s just so much to write about (and finite amount of time). A writer/blogger needs to be ruthlessly selective, or else he may end up just blogging about everything. I face a dilemma. I…
That triumphant feeling
I gotta say: the feeling of finishing a short story and publishing it on the WWW is not unlike having 10 simultaneous orgasms. Of course, males are limited to having only one orgasm at a time, but a person can dream…..
David Edwards: 5 Things Everyone Ought to Know
This came from a great 2000 interview with David Edwards on Medialens. It is a long quotation, and I’m highlighting the 5 points because they get a little obscured in the discussion. Between the fourth and the fifth point there is a fascinating discussion about distraction, self-delusion and how journalists are influenced by corporations as…
July Technical Linkdump 1
Awesome Firefox tip: to jump to the Search box, choose Control K. To move left and right through tabs, do Control – K, then Tab (that will give focus to your current tab); at this point you can use the arrow keys to move through all your browser tabs. (more). This is a lifesaver. At…
Linkdump: Video
Hot Girls Wage Lawsuit against Facebook privacy policy (satire). I’ll guess you do. Cynical animation by Mike Polk about relationships and marriage. I’m not sure whether men or women will find this video more depressing. Here’s the hilarious One Semester of Spanish Love Song and 2nd Semester of Spanish Love Song. iPhone4 vs. HTC Evo…