Month: March 2012

  • Jade: Outlaw By Robert Flynn (Book Review)

    Jade: Outlaw by Robert Flynn (2010), JoSara MeDia, 190 pages. Author’s Website and Blog (with RSS feed) Ebook: Amazon/BN (now at  99 cents!) Print Editions: Used copies are available, but with ebooks so cheap, why bother? Summary: A  Western tale about a 19th century Texas town  that is harsh, spiritual and profound. Recommended if you…

  • Hanger Stout, Awake! on sale now! (plus some ebook rants)

    Regular readers already know by now that I run Personville Press and am a big fan of the fiction of Jack Matthews.  (You may already have noticed the sidebar ads for his ebooks). I just wanted to mention that Personville recently published his 1967 classic Hanger Stout Awake as an ebook. If you buy directly…

  • Breakfast: An Autobiography

    Note: I have no idea whether other people might find this essay interesting. Writers tend to find everything interesting, and everyone tends to find  himself  interesting (much to the dismay and/or boredom of others). But I had fun writing it because it opened up a lot of overlooked memories (both olfactory and non-olfactory). Breakfast: An…

  • Fun Excerpts from Weird Al’s Fan Club Newsletters

    Lately I have become enamored – no obsessed — with the parody music of Weird Al Yankovic. I’ll say more in a future post, but I came across the archives of his fan club newsletters from the 1990s. I wanted to jot down some of my favorite parts.   The first section consists of the tongue-in-cheek…