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I am still convinced that Trump (and Musk and friends) will sell ALL their shares of DJT stock on election day (November 5) or the day after. We’ll see how right …or how wrong I was.
To my surprise and delight, here’s a link that allows you to view FB postings by your friends and nothing else! It seems to be in chronological order but does not include any postings by you.
LAUGHING WITH TREVOR NOAH. Noah is making the rounds on the talk show circuit to promote his new podcast. (YT)
UNFORTUNATE DEATHS: This week Pro Publica reported on 2 tragic cases of TX pregnant women who died unexpectedly after hospitals refused to provide adequate treatment for their life-threatening sepsis. Medical experts blame these deaths on the state’s abortion restrictions and the failure to provide better guidance on when doctors can intervene. “Pregnant women have become essentially untouchables,” commented one health law expert. Here’s the case of an 18 year old pregnant Houstonian who died because of hospitals refusing to get involved. Here’s the other Texas case. I’m sure there are much more.
BROAD CITY BROADS BRING COLBERT SOME BAGELS: The chicks who did the great “Broad City” sitcom let Stephen Colbert know about what’s cool and the secret to Rainbow Bagels. (YT)
ODD/AMUSING AMPHIBIAN DRAMA. You may already know about the viral 30 second vid showing a frog playing video game on a mobile phone (It’s great!). Here is a wonderful and compelling 9 minute video (YT) by a pet/aquarium freak named Dr. Plants about how he raised a frog for the specific purpose of teaching it how to play video games. I love this guy’s YouTube channel; it’s a new take on teaching people about the population of creatures outside our own.
I have many strong reactions to Trump’s near-landslide victory in Texas and nationally. (It might warrant a separate post). That said, my reactions are probably not that unique; you can probably find the same sentiments expressed elsewhere.
Here’s a collection of public statements by Trump to get revenge on his political enemies. I already knew many of the statements, but this list is incredibly long.
James Fallows on the election:
“This time, it was not a fluke…. This time we don’t have that distraction, or that consolation. The electorate of our country has had a good, clear, years-long look at Donald Trump. His braggadocio and his decline. His corruption and his vulgarity. His resentments and his threats. The warnings about what he would do from the most senior people who had ever worked with him, starting with his own vice president. And, with eyes wide open, with the evidence before them, most of our fellow-citizen voters decided: Bring him back…. “
I already mentioned it a few weeks ago, but I HIGHLY recommend Anne Applebaum‘s Autocracy in America podcast (which actually only has 5 episodes). Applebaum recently published AUTOCRACY, INC. and has spent a lot of time trying to imagine the unimaginable.
Here’s an NBC exit polls about the presidential election. Looks like older white males and Christians voted for Trump. Shit, even white male college graduates voted for Trump (50-47). 58% of Catholic voters, 61% of white Catholic voters,
Here’s an amazing story about two couples who do IVF and end up with the wrong baby .. and then discovering a few months later. Really makes you wonder how people would respond to such an unlikely and distressing event.
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