Category: AFSE

  • Minor Sketches & Reveries by Alberto Balengo (Stories)

    Title: Minor Sketches and Reveries (Stories) by Alberto Balengo. Amazon pre-release page: Smashwords Pre-Order page. These introspective tales feature animals, allegories and melodramas of everyday life. At the center of the stories are tiny creatures (a sparrow, earthworm or paperclip) struggling to make sense of larger mysterious forces. Human protagonists are equally perplexed by ordinary…

  • Supergeek’s Guide to Free Downloadable Music Samplers

    I’m in the process of writing an ebook about music collecting. I’ll probably add some book excerpts  on my blog.  This URL will regularly be updated with new information, so feel free to check later. Two years ago I wrote about great ways to learn about free creative commons music. Since that time, a lot…

  • My Favorite Playlists

    Latest playlists by Robert Nagle of totally awesome (and totally free) music. Listen and download!

  • Free & Legal Benny Goodman MP3s

    Direct links to the best Benny Goodman mp3s I have found on Free & Legal!

  • Awesome Free Shit Everywhere! (AFSE)

    From an anonymous comment on a free (and legal) music sharing site: "what people dont understand, is there is awesome free shit everywhere."   Although I avoid profanity here usually, the last four words of this quote convey the feeling as emphatically and eloquently. Henceforth, I will use the acronym AFSE to refer to gems…