Category: Content Management
Southwest Drupal Summit
By the way, I will be attending the two day conference about Drupal content management on Thursday Jan 27 and Friday Jan 28. It’s in Houston – horray! I am currently working on a drupal site and writing a book review on several Drupal 7 technical books. More about that later.
Enhancing your Brain Power: My Secrets
Man, I seem to be really kicking butt at work. I have focus and concentration and energy. Ironically, when I work from home, I don’t seem to be as productive. I find 100s of things to distract me, but that is my problem, not my brain’s. I’ve developed a routine. Here it is. Don’t set…
Geekend coming Up!
Since I’m officially looking for work, it may seem a little curious to redouble my efforts to master more technical skills. But after reading this Oreilly article on an xml editor for documentation, I’m tempted to download XMLMind this weekend. Partially to learn the tool, but partially to produce some DITA and Docbook documents quickly…
Website benchmarking tools
How to speed up your wordpress blog Here’s a great tool for analyzing the download time and speed for a web page. Here’s another –one which actually includes advice about optimization, On that second link, here’s a great book about speeding up your websites.
Digg, Pligg and Flattering Imitation
As predicted, the knockoffs of have started emerging. Pligg is an open-source version of the digg software. Nathan Torkington on a controversy erupting over whether an Oreilly person stole “digg” css code in his own pligg sites : This is a classic Web 2.0 problem: it’s hard to aggregate the wisdom of the crowd…
Reading Blogs is Like Watching Memento
Eric Meyer on RSS feeds and poor navigation/organization of weblogs: Reading a weblog is like watching Memento, which I agree was a cool movie, except all weblogs are like that so it’s as if every single movie released in the past seven or eight years was structured exactly like Memento. If conference presentations about weblogs…
Affero and Patronage
Affero, a patronage/donation site. This is a well-done version of an idea I’ve been also trying to get off the ground. The personnel behind the people look competent. I need to investigate this site more, but the problem with the execution, I believe, is that they didn’t try to provide content. They just tried to…
Python, Wizard of Oz, Switching Costs, and Python IDE Shootout
I’ve been updating my python/plone weblogs on my bloglines account. Here’s some great things I’ve been finding: Ian Bicking on why web programming is important for python. Lots of comments. Ludo responds to the charge that php is better than python: The key PHP advantage is, in my opinion, just one: the tight integration with…
Quit Slashdot Day?
Keunwoo Lee on Quit Slashdot Day : I have friends who were once tremendously productive programmers, until they started reading Slashdot. Then, the endless stream of links, updated a dozen times a day no less (so you don’t go once a day to get your fix; instead, you keep a window open and hit reload…
Me and Frankie: Why Good Editors will Always Have a Job
A friend just pointed out to me that my article about and publishing contains two egregrious misspellings: Hermann Melville (should be Herman) and Frank Kafka (should be Franz). The latter error is particularly embarrassing. I’ve written papers on the guy, even short stories and taught college classes on some of his stories. Not a…
Book Review Runs on Slashdot
Here’s my book review of two plone books.
CMS’s vs. Blogs
Jeffrey Veen on shortcomings in content management systems: Why do you insist Web sites have ?columns?? I?ve used quite a few systems now that have the notion of a three-column layout. They give me the ability to turn columns off and on, and put ?portlets? into ?content-slots.? Where does this assumption come from? In the…
Archiving and Photos
I’m way behind on posting; I wanted to throw some stuff here when I am waiting for something to compile. Rsnapshot, a backup utility using rsync. Mike Rubel has written an article about backups with rsync/linux. Here’s a slashdot discussion about digital rot, a very serious problem. I found (and copied about 8-10 pages) of…
RSS and Web Publishing
Recently I’ve been trying out bloglines, a rss aggregator. I’ve tried two aggregators and heard a lot of hooplah about rss and the practicality of scanning lots of different blogs. But I still have not figured out the advantage. Yes, I understand why content management systems would want to be aware of feeds and why…
LMS from Stanford
Coursework (Stanford), Martin Terre Blanche has a weblog about Collaborative Learning Good article about community migrations from sites like kuro5hin to shared weblogs.