Category: Mike’s Likes

  • Mikes Likes #4 (Book Reports March 2020)

    Occasionally I repost book reports by Michael Barrett who regularly posts film reviews at Popmatters. Two more columns by Barrett will be published in March. Alienation of non-labor Guido Morselli‘s THE COMMUNISTEbook checked out of the library! Set in 1958-59 and written in the 1960s, this novel is a tenderly observed psychological portrait refracted through the struggle of political…

  • Mikes Likes #3 (Book Reports Feb 2020)

    Occasionally I repost book reports by Michael Barrett who regularly posts film reviews at Popmatters. Two more columns by Barrett will be published in March. Two milestones of midcentury malaise THE (INCREDIBLE) SHRINKING MAN by Richard Matheson(INVASION OF) THE BODY SNATCHERS by Jack Finney(E-Audiobooks checked out of the library!) In keeping with Richard Matheson‘s mission…

  • Mike's Likes #2 (Book Reports Jan 2020)

    Occasionally I repost book reports by Michael Barrett. Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting highlights. These things happen, or Buzzati too is God CATASTROPHE AND OTHER STORIES by Dino Buzzati This collection reprints a 1965 translation and adds four “new” gentler less dark stories. They add up to a concept album on terrible…

  • Mike’s Likes #1 (Book Reports — June, 2019)

    (“Mike’s Likes” is the first book column for what will soon be a regular feature on this blog. Michael Barrett is a San Antonio critic and longtime college friend. He has been writing erudite cinema reviews at Popmatters for over a decade — I even did a long interview with him about cinema on this…