Category: Linux/Open Source

  • Getting back to Ubuntu (Again!)

    Houston Blogger Robert Nagle gives his thoughts about making the transition to Ubuntu

  • Nostalgic about Slashdot

    I stopped reading slashdot a few years ago. It became really popular and it was overwhelming to read. Besides, there were all these corporation-oriented topics and tight control over news stories. I jumped ship and went to Digg (which lasted about 6 months before I grew bored with that as well). I wrote several book…

  • March OLPC Meeting Houston (Notes)

    Hi, I wanted to provide information about the recent meeting of the Houston OLPC meeting, which featured Samuel Klein, the director of community content.   I don’t know how much of these nuggets of information was off-the-cuff and how much is official; use your own judgment. After the meeting, we met at Beck’s Prime for Hamburgers.…

  • Fedora 7 install…no problem ! (so far)

    Well, I had been worrying unnecessarily about installing fedora 7 on my laptop. Sure, it was a pain downloading the DVD and backing up data, but this time it didn’t present me with a lot of choices and installed things fairly quietly. Also, the dual boot situation wasn’t messed up at all. Right now, it’s…

  • To install FC7 or not to install

    I just noticed that Fedora is no longer supporting FC5. lately I’ve noticed that support of things is waning: most notably Firefox 2. So now I’m faced with the perilous prospect of beginning another install on an older laptop. I would need to reinstall commercial applications, make a list of things I’ve installed and do…

  • In Love with FC5

    Although I finally managed to tackle my laptop wifi problem on Fedora Core 5, I really haven’t done much work on the Thinkpad T43 laptop until last week. But since then I have really been falling in love. I never realized how much I had fallen in love until I came across someone running a…

  • Definitely Cool Linux Ebooks

    Looks like someone has converted the famous & free Linux manuals into .pdb ebook files.  That’s awesome.

  • Open Formats, Pilgrim and Linux Desktop Must-haves

    Mark Pilgrim is a python/xml programmer who influenced a lot of web developers. I’ve read his great Dive into Python book and caught various essays here and there. But he’s been an erratic blogger. Now I find he is blogging (and even vlogging) on a semi-regular basis, which makes me very happy. Apparently, he has…

  • Wifi Problems Solved: The culprit: Wacky Default Values

    I am happy to report having solved my linux wireless problems (for now). I might write up a short tutorial about troubleshooting linux wifi (by now I’m practically the expert). The solution was dumb and ridiculously hard to figure out. I needed to hardcode the device configuration so that the channel corresponded to the channel…

  • Update: Linux Wifi problems…again!

    Update: I have been busy chasing down yet another wireless bug related to my Linux laptop and the Intel 2915 wireless driver/firmware. Frustrating, and yet educational. (For those who take joy in my travails, check out this thread). There is a positive side to this. I’m reaquainting myself with the linux networking configuration files. Also,…

  • Network Media Servers

    I am really close to buying a Network Area Storage solution. The frontrunner: Buffalo Technology Linkstation gigabit 250 gigabyte solution for $200. Actually, I may upgrade to the 300 gig solution ($280) after learning that installing the linkstation open firmware lets you install a server and media player software like swisscenter or twonkymedia (which apparently…

  • Nokia 770 becomes better, much better….

    I’ve been surfing through the maemo catalog for Nokia 770 PDA. I’ve noticed that growing pains have been solved, and a newly released Beta version of the OS promises to greatly improve the PDA’s functionality. On the bulletin board users are estatic about the improvements, although it is still only beta software, so users like…

  • Not Your Typical Linux Disclaimer

    From a FC 5 Disclaimer: NOTE: This is not an official form of support. This is not an official service of Red Hat. These things may solve your worst nightmare, or they may eat all of the cheese in your house. I make no guarantees.

  • Wireless for the Linux Laptop (FC5) (Part 4)

    Longtime readers of this blog will recall how I suffered under the agony of getting wifi to work on FC4 and inhabited the ndiswrapper limbo(which I vow never to go through again). So I bought a laptop with a well known linux Wifi driver and installed the latest-and-greatest version of Fedora Core 5 distribution. Now,…

  • Why not a Gimp book?

    While reading a Slashdot book review about Linux Multimedia Hacks, I wondered aloud why no one hasn’t written an up-to-date gimp book. Well, it seems that someone has (or will) . Looks like the idea for this book came from a Linux Chic email course . The author Akkana Peck has a weblog and is…

  • Digg, Pligg and Flattering Imitation

    As predicted, the knockoffs of have started emerging. Pligg is an open-source version of the digg software. Nathan Torkington on a controversy erupting over whether an Oreilly person stole “digg” css code in  his own pligg sites : This is a classic Web 2.0 problem: it’s hard to aggregate the wisdom of the crowd…