Category: pet peeve
Things which really annoy me: A list
Everyone is annoyed by certain things, not by others. It’s time I made my own list: News or Movies or TV shows about sports figures. Generally I don’t care about sports at all. Whenever someone mentions the latest triumph by the local sports team, I ask, “Is that the one with the touchdowns?” or “I…
Dear Amazon: Thanks for taking a dump on my ebook! (Formatting kindle ebooks on ipad)
(The problem behind this rant has been mostly solved. See bottom). (This is Rant 1 of 2. In a few days, I will post my rant about Smashwords) Dear Amazon. I’m really mad — no furious — at how crappy your ipad app is for reading Kindle files. Crazy/unpredictable output. Your $#$#$# Kindle Previewer on…
Two nastygrams about climate change
I often get irate about climate change, and here are 2 emails I have sent about climate change. They are not so much analytical but contemptuous in tone. Why? Frankly, because I think shaming is the only acceptable response. Certainly it would be possible to give a point-by-point response to Mr. Morano’s jabberings, but that…
Why does Comcast require 4 months to send a $20 refund?
Everybody has their tales of awful customer service, and I’m going to share mine. I paid for a family member to have Comcast broadband Internet. The price was about $30 per month for 6 months, then Comcast increased the price to the “normal” monthly price of $46.97. I switched Internet providers, and called to cancel…
Anti-abortionism is easy; why not have a opinion requiring real moral courage?
About 15 years ago I was active in my Catholic church on social issues. I served on AIDS care teams, a homeless shelter and issue advocacy. One thing I did was to start a petition drive at my church to support universal health care. It was an issue where Catholic views of charity coincided with…
Computer Annoyances
I frequently download jpgs of public domain paintings for my web projects. It is astonishing how rarely jpegs of paintings are given meaningful labels. I would expect names like mona_lisa_da_vinci_1506.jpg Instead they have names like n34343.jpg or picture.asp.jpg or annoying things like that. Why is it so difficult to input or view metadata for images?…
Unclear Instructions (and other Pet Peeves)
I received an email from a friend about the date of an event. the date is July 25, 2008. Phrasing that way is unhelpful. Is this a Monday or Tuesday or Friday or what? I cannot understand why people don’t use both bits of data. I don’t remember dates. I remember days of the week. …