Category: Programming
Managing Plone Setups with Subversion
Great post by Matt Rohrer about how to install and maintain plone using Subversion. Lots of tips. Version control with subversion for nonprogrammers. By Keith R. Fieldhouse. More tips on checking in/out with subversion by Limi. Still More tips by Tom Lazar and specifically on plone’s quills. Jens Klein on how to check out plone/collective…
XML/Python: RSS Not Looking Too Bad Anymore
How to Program (mainly in python) by Alan Gauld. XML on the web has failed by Mark Pilgrim. I discovered this when I found out one of my webhosts used a different encoding from the pages I was producing. He writes: if the media type given in the Content-Type HTTP header is text/xml, text/xml-external-parsed-entity, or…
Speaking of what looks cool, openLazlo is an open-source xml-based application for creating flash-based animations. Soundblox, an mp3 player is one type of application you can make.
In Awe of Eclipse
While playing around in the afterhours at work, I downloaded the latest version of Eclipse and the python plugin Pydev. I know a little bit of python, but hadn’t worked in Python in a while. I think I’d used Eclipse before for xml editing, and found it next to impossible to set up my development…
Make Amazon Wishlist into a Feed!
Watchcow is an xml feed that lets you convert your amazon wishlist into an xml file. This is good, because my amazon wishlist is to my knowledge the largest wishlist of any amazon customer. Now the challenge is figuring out how to display the wishlist conveniently in a browser (the xml file is a whopping…
CSS For Not-so-Dumb People
Recently I’ve been trying to add a css feature to a website and catching up on stylesheets. I was pretty hip with stylesheets in 2001-2 (and that’s when css was tough going with browser support). Recently I redid the stylesheets for one of my sites and found it remarkably easy to do. (Also, I’ve been…
Docbook XSL Book
Curiously, I have no idea where I never linked to the online version of the Docbook XSL book by Bob Stayton. I suppose it’s only a matter of time before I buy the paper version
Here’s a useful urlcleaner. For those pesky ampersands.
Feed Validator
Feed validator, by Mark Pilgrim and company.
Cleaning house XHTML Strict
Difference between XHTML Transitional and Strict, a handy reference. I spent a few hours yesterday doing a few things for programming piece of mind. On my fiction project, I’ve started validating html more rigorously (even going XHTML strict instead of transitional) using my Oxygen XML editor and Visibone HTML/CSS reference sheet. While fixing things, I…
Catching Up
I have a lot catching up to do. I’ll be brief. In the next year or so I’ll be writing short essays about music videos. Here’s one of my favorites: Fantastic Plastic Machine: Please Mr. Salesman. The yahoo music site has a good collection of vids. Saw Kristin Hersh live at the Mucky Duck in…
Tagging and More
Also from Caterina, a description of the semantics of flickr tagging. Dave Weinberger has written about it also. Here are two interesting thoughts: t will be fascinating to watch the social effects as people adjust their tag sets in order to get aggregated either into the most popular tags or to be segmented into smaller…
CMS’s vs. Blogs
Jeffrey Veen on shortcomings in content management systems: Why do you insist Web sites have ?columns?? I?ve used quite a few systems now that have the notion of a three-column layout. They give me the ability to turn columns off and on, and put ?portlets? into ?content-slots.? Where does this assumption come from? In the…
Quills and Monit and General Plone Grumbling
Server Monitoring Utility: Monit. Quills is a portal-based weblogging product for Plone. I will be probably be using it for (indeed, I might be migrating this weblog to it if I can!). The lead developer’s weblog contains updates, along with the promise of a release upcoming next week. Speaking of which, it seems to…
Debugging Zope and Python
Debugging Zope via the command line. Also, boa constrictor is a crossplatform python IDE with zope support (More about boa-constrictor). Shane Hathaway (a blogger ) and author of several zope tools including zope, DCWorkflow and others, has a product, Verbose Security, for use with BoaConstructor. Shane has been fiddling around with Zope3 and seems to…
Bass Ackwards
Dave Astels on Why Your Code Sucks. OK, so you decide to add tests to your code. That typically isn’t so easy. The odds are that your code wasn’t designed and/or implemented to be easily testable. That means you will have to make changes to it to make it testable… without breaking any of it…