Category: Python/Zope/Plone
Pycon Day 2: Updates: Not Famous
This morning I ran into someone who was wearing my exact same windbreaker. Yes, we admitted with embarrassment, we bought them at Walmart. At conferences like this, people are constantly looking at each other’s nametags to see if you’re famous (I’m not). Yesterday I sat through two tutorials: one on Text Processing with Python. Dry…
Conference Faux Pas
I am typing this from my brand new Thinkpad T43 laptop. I just received it three days ago and haven’t had time to configure anything anyway. I’ll be totally reconfiguring it next week with Fedora 5 Test Build 3 is out. (Actually the final release will be March 15). That is why I am using…
Liveblogging at Pycon
Hi, there, I’ll be at pycon python conference in Dallas, TX. I’m still a python newbie, so it’s one of those “talk to dozens of people who are smarter than me” kind of conferences. I might give updates/reports, although I feel no extreme burden to do so. On the way here, I listened to some…
Plone in New Orleans again
Because I’m in the middle of 1)moving, 2)migrating webhosts, 3)holidays, 4)migrating PC’s and 5)ordering a videocam, I’ve been ignoring plone stuff for the last few months. I don’t even try to keep up with the mailing lists (though I did notice that Guido is hopping onboard the google train though. I just wanted to point…
Pycon 2005 Audio
Pycon 2005 Audio Talks for download. Wow!
Feeling Old Again
Philipp von Weitershausen has written a book about Zope 3 and several plone tutorials . And he celebrates his 22nd birthday this year. Suddenly I am feeling very old… Seriously though, when I was college-age, I was spending every bit of free time I had reading classic novels, writing stories and chasing the women/watching films.…
Plone Conference
Plone Conference Slides HTML talk about Plone/Wikis Now, if only there were mp3s. Listingpages, a plone product to create custom listing pages in your Plone site. How to Design Programs , MIT college textbook about programming Scheme (teaching basic algorithms in the process). As embarrassed as I am to admit it, I never knew OPML…
Python Biblioteca
Python Biblioteca, a list of resources for learning Python. Prepared by Jeff Elkner, a high school teacher. Vaults of Parnassus, a directory of python tools and programs. I’m really glad that high school teachers are taking a liking for Python. It is a good teaching language, and I have a feeling that teachers were using…
Python, Wizard of Oz, Switching Costs, and Python IDE Shootout
I’ve been updating my python/plone weblogs on my bloglines account. Here’s some great things I’ve been finding: Ian Bicking on why web programming is important for python. Lots of comments. Ludo responds to the charge that php is better than python: The key PHP advantage is, in my opinion, just one: the tight integration with…
Goldegg and Django
CMSWatch Rating of CMSs by category. Zope/plone comes out on top in several areas. Goldegg, a funding inititiative to fund more Zope 3 projects. Django, a python framework. Here’s its weblog.
Plone, plans, Pycon
I am so out of plone, but hopefully in a week or so I’ll be back to that. I will probably be able to make Pycon 2006 in Dallas in February. By that time, I’ll be zoping all the way. It looks like Plone 2.1 is quickly upon us and possibly Plone 2.2 in November.…
Python Challenge
Like a dutiful python geek-wannabee, I am going to try to take the python challenge. A few remarks. I have a lot to learn python-wise, and I’m rusty with what I do know. Still, I have to say this method of presenting puzzles (answers in the URL bar) is laughably incompetent. Come on, guys, we…
Closing Your Mind, Staying Home
Presentations from Plone Conference 2005 in New Orleans. I’ve been distracted from CMS stuff, but I plan to dig deeper into this soon. This is nothing really new, but I like the fact that conferences can give tagging information to make it easier to aggregate posts about a certain event. See the del.ic.ious tag for…
Dropping Lightbulbs
Common Interview Questions for Software Developers: You have 2 supposedly unbreakable light bulbs and a 100-floor building. Using fewest possible drops, determine how much of an impact this type of light bulb can withstand. (i.e. it can withstand a drop from 17th floor, but breaks from the 18th). Note that the ever-popular binary search will…
Python Quick Reference
Python Quick Reference from Python Pete Freitag on How to use to maximum benefit.
What Zope 3 Can Learn
Just last week I noticed that 2 Zope3 books are out, which is odd, considering that I don’t even think 3.0 is out. Martijn Faassen from Infrae writes about What Zope 3 can Learn from Ruby on Rails