Category: Visuals
Cool Protest Photos
You may already know that today is 10-10-10 (the official rally day about climate change by people all over the world). I’ll be at Houston’s rally picking up and planting trees. Here are some beautiful photos I found on flickr from last year’s protests.
Political Cartoons of Barry Deutsch
Barry Deutsch has some great political cartoons. Deutsch is a Portland based cartoonist who studied under Will Eisner and is based at leftycartoons and other places. He’s done some bona fide comic projects (including Hereville, a comic book about an 11 year old troll-fighting Orthodox Jewish girl). Ok. that’s a little off the beaten track….…
Awkward Family Photos
From awkward family photos. More fun under the fold.
Baby Movements
I love this baby time-lapse video. It’s interesting how speed up gives insight about what people actually do with their time. I remember my utter amazement when watching Koyaanisqatsi how much time people spent at red lights. Another video highlight: Spot the Differences in the Photograph game on Youtube. (thanks, Bloggasm).
Crazy Dubai!
Here are some photos and artist rendering of what Dubai looks like now and will look like in the next decade. This is pretty astounding. For starters, here’s a photo of its underwater hotel (to be finished in 2009).
Video: Count the Number of Basketball Passes by People with White Shirts!
This is an interesting game. This is a short, but fascinating two-part test of your perceptual abilities. For the first part, you will be shown a 30-second video of six college students divided into two teams. Three students are wearing white T-shirts, while the other three are wearing black. Each team has a basketball which…
Bouguereau: Pro and Con
You may not know about Fred Ross, but he is chairman of the Art Renewal Center, a leading online museum that stores high quality paintings. It is a treasure trove for people looking for public domain paintings. Here’s his take on Bouguereau: In October 1977, I walked into the Clark Museum, Williamstown, Mass. to see…
Uncle Yorick
Randomly came across this painting by Phillip H. Calderon (Died 1937). A commenter says: “In this typical family scene, so popular with the Victorians, young Hamlet rides on the back of Yorick, with Gertrude sitting near by. Can we imagine that the woman holding the child is the wife of Polonius with her baby…
GDP Map of the World
A totally bizzare map of the world by sharing which states have similar GDPs. This is actually a revision of an earlier graph, and some have accused it of problems. The declining dollar for instance means that the size of our GDP has also been declining. Also, some have argued about whether a Purchasing Power…
RIP, Maryam Irene Haley (Haley Paige, Miriam Haley)
This post is not going to be work-safe, because it is about the death (and possibly the murder) of a woman who starred in porn movies. The woman’s stage name was Haley Paige, but her real name was Miriam Haley (or Maryam Haley).
Online Tracking
More comics from . Or you can go straight to the image directory. Ok, here’s another one: Ok, one more about Youtube (this is the funniest).
Iphone: what needs to change
With the rise of the iphone, two things are becoming more imperative: You need to have separate css for handheld devices. You need to have a strategy for chunking information on your page. Iphone’s dirty little secret is that the screenshots and tv commercials make the iphone look a lot larger than it is. In…
Scribble King Movie Comic Strip
Here’s a fun movie/comic strip blog by Patrick Rijnders: (warning: long and fun page to download) Scribbling King follows movies from a fun pop culture perspective, commenting on (for example) the endless amount of sequelitis, gilmore Girls, Rollercoaster (one of my fave movies), too many trailers, gaming, War of the Worlds , online petitions ,…
Video of Xiao Pang (aka Little Fatty)
Remember that Asian kid everybody was doing photoshop parodies of? Here’s a video of him
Vista Fonts..How to Download, How to use
Poynter preview article on vista fonts. You can download the vista defaults by downloading the Powerpoint 2007 free viewer. Here’s Christian Montoya on recommended Vista substitutions for web design. Update: Once you download the powerpoint viewer, your system (and Office software) can use these fonts. Hurrah! Other font stuff: Vitaly Friedman on the 25 best…
Open Sour and Gimp Tutorials
Is it just me, or does it seem strange that there hasn’t been a decent Gimp manual published in English in the last 4 years? And that a developing country like Brazil has one? Gimp tutorials Grokking the Gimp tutorial. More tutorials. Tutorials: Gimp and Layers