Month: September 2006

  • Houston Storytelling Event (Saturday Sept 23)

    Houston Storytelling Guild presents a day-long storytelling event  this  Saturday. Family-friendly.

  • In Love with FC5

    Although I finally managed to tackle my laptop wifi problem on Fedora Core 5, I really haven’t done much work on the Thinkpad T43 laptop until last week. But since then I have really been falling in love. I never realized how much I had fallen in love until I came across someone running a…

  • Zune and CC

    Found on a Zune mp3 player blog: one commenter explain how the mp3  player puts DRM on creative commons mp3s automatically, making them subject to the charge of inducing users to violate copyright law. “Your honor, the federal courts have upheld that despite the substantially non-infringing use of a system, a company’s encouragement of people…

  • Mother of All Posts

    I am way behind on blogging, so I’ll use the time to catch up. Allan Chochinov on how to teach design students: Talk to undergrads like they’re grads; talk to grads like they’re undergrads. This is the best trick I’ve learned in 11 years of teaching. Undergraduates have youth, fearlessness, and great tolerance for being…

  • Vote for the panels

    If you plan to attend South by Southwest Interactive, you might have noticed that attendees (both potential and actual) can vote on panels. You might have also noticed that I proposed a panel on ebook technologies, “Designing for the Sony Reader and other E-ink Technologies.” Feel free to vote for it. (If this isn’t the…

  • Definitely Cool Linux Ebooks

    Looks like someone has converted the famous & free Linux manuals into .pdb ebook files.  That’s awesome.

  • Plone, Noted, Admired (+ ArchGenXML)

    I’m determined to do my website in a weekend and started downloading/installing, only to be distracted by two things. Great programming video by Sean Kelley on deploying a plone site and specifically creating a simple archetype using ArchGenXML and ArgoUML. Basically you use a modelling tool to create a .xmi file which ArchGenXML converts to…

  • Hey, You Disbelievers!

    I’ve been talking about putting up a literary community site up for some time. My plans have been derailed somewhat by an ongoing writing project, but frankly, my delays have been embarrassing. So this weekend I’ve going to put up a plone website–just to show people I’m no slouch. The only catch is that I …

  • Automated Voicebots for Telemarketers

    Not able to blog recently. Here’s an amazing telephone hack: TELECRAPPER 2000 TELEMARKETER INTERCEPTION SYSTEM: automated voicebot to prolong conversations with telemarketers.There are hilarious .wav files (which you have to unzip and play in Windows Media Player) and a how-to page. For the lazy, here’s a video animation version of an actual phone call.

  • Not Sure What to Say

    Having gone on a 2 week blog vacation, I am unsure how to begin blogging again. A few random thoughts: With bittorrent on, my download speed just crashes. I can barely surf the web. That’s the disadvantage of having DSL grade service I guess. Yesterday I bought a handheld pump for an exercise ball. The…