In my wordpress research, I’ve been discovering some cool plugins and themes and practices. Even though I post here frequently, updating the look and feel of idiotprogrammer weblog is fairly low on my to-do list (have I mentioned that I am looking for a job)? This idiotprogrammer weblog is a low priority for me (and the current theme is very functional from an Information Design point of view), but next upgrade, I plan to make some radical changes around here.
Speaking of which, I’ve been trying to promote my portfolio site at . It’s proving to be hard to get it listed on google with the search term “houston technical writer,” and one reason may be that the links are all coming from domains on the same IP address. So if you are a semi-fan of my work and would like to do me a favor, now is a great time to link to me. Specifically:
- link reference should be to
- The text should specifically not say “houston technical writer,” but it would be nice if nearby the hyperlink was mentioned something having to do with the fact I am in Houston. Google penalizes links that are too uniform to their references.
Interestingly, google search results for “houston technical writer” lists some Houston based documentation businesses in the area. Damn, what am I going to do now? Wow, here’s the answer. Google is really starting to control my life 🙂 . (Getting listed as a google business takes up to 4 weeks).
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