Host: Brian Herod
Location: Willow St. Pump Station, 811 N. San Jacinto, Houston, TX View Map and Photograph
When: Saturday, September 22, 7:00pm
Phone: 713-480-6303
(I’ll probably be telling a story at this event. It should be lots of fun)
From Brian’s announcement:
Beginning in September, in the spirit of those geckos gathering, a unique Houston venue coupled with a special story theme will be announced monthly. Those interested in telling stories to the theme can contact Jay and Brian by e-mail and will be put on the program for the coming month. A new venue and theme will be announced at each Gecko Gathering.
Geckos will be gathering to hear and tell stories on September 22, 2007, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Willow Street Pump Station, 811 N. San Jacinto in downtown Houston. Stories will be spun around the theme “The Way of Water.” We drink it, we swim in it, we waste it; it comprises over 80% of our physical being. It will not only be served at our Gecko Gathering, it will serve as our story theme for the evening.
Check the website for more information or to sign up to tell a story.
Gecko Gathering, a new storytelling/spoken word venue in Houston, Texas, was inspired by New York City’s Moth. In the eyes of the producers, Gecko Gathering is intended to help re-energize the Houston Storytellers Guild in particular, and the storytelling community in general. By choosing a theme and coupling it with a unique venue we hope to atttract tellers who will share stories (original, literary, folk or personal) that share some truth or wisdom about how one “makes their way” in this world, so that listeners and tellers can learn and grow as a result of the story sharing process.
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