While America grapples with the death of actress Brittany Murphy, I am grappling with the death of the cartoon character she played in King of the Hill: Luanne Platter. The wikipedia description of her character is a laugh riot. Just the mention of the idiotic “Manger Babies” makes me laugh. Initially the character annoyed me, but her obtuseness grows on you…especially because you know how much she needs other people to protect her.
More seriously, Brittany Murphy made a splash in Clueless (and was a perfect foil for Alicia Silverstone). Her role as the lead female in 8 Mile was compelling too. She is utterly charming and radiant in her 2008 interview with David Letterman. She has a childish inarticulateness that is charming and hilarious.
Another hilarious film moment from Clueless: Tai weeps at hearing on the radio that they’re “playing our song” . God, I just love that movie.
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