How much money does the artist receive from a paypal donation?

How Much of Your Donation Goes to the Artist

Donation Amount Paypal (from U.S.A.) Paypal (From Outside U.S.A.)
        Transaction Fee –> 2.9% + $.30 3.9% + $.30
$1 $.67 $.66
$2 $1.64 $1.62
$3 $2.61 $2.58
$4 $3.58 $3.54
$5 $4.55 $4.50
$10 $9.41 $9.31
$20 $19.12 $18.92

So, if you live in the US and give a $5 tip, the artist will receive $4.55. (That means the artist receives 91% of the total donation). 

Source: Paypal.  Here is more information about creating paypal tipjar buttons.  See also: this reference about places where musicians can host and sell music.



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