Month: August 2010
- is now online is the learning site for my nephew Dylan. We’re just getting started on it, but hopefully we will put more stuff on it. Google, meet
Ghostly Populations Now Online
Here is a website about Jack Matthews. I’m writing a book on the writings of Jack Matthews, and I’ll be publishing essays there, providing news & updates and collecting secondary material about his works. I’ll probably cross-post longer stuff here and on ghostlypopulations, so you won’t miss anything by looking here.
Do I have the right to gripe?
A few minutes ago I posted video links to the 2010 Sea Level Rise conference. I love the fact that I had listen/watch video lectures and panels which previously were never available. We are lucky to live in such an age of easy availability. But…. Why do these embedded video players for viewing these lectures…
Taking a chance with civilization
You have to applaud how packed this chart is with information. But doesn’t it scare you to death? To think, that the goal of all the nations is to limit the temperature increase to 2 degrees Centigrade by 2050. There seems to be a lot of gloominess about whether that is achievable given the political…
Maddening and Wonderful
I am exhausted. No time to write except the small amount of time before my salmon dinner is ready. Sorry I haven’t been blogging. The last week has been both wonderful and exhausting. I’ll explain later.
Reasons to Vote for Bill White instead of Rick Perry
A list of reasons about why Texans should vote for Bill White instead of Rick Perry. Compiled by Robert Nagle.
August Green Linkdump 1:
10 Indicators of a Human Footprint for Global Warming. Two great videos from the 2010 Net Roots nation conference about climate change. See the 79 minute video about Copenhagen and international agreements and how the failure of climate change in USA implies the need for better grass roots organizing (75 minutes). Here’s a report suggesting…