Month: December 2019
Robert's Roundup #13 (Dec 2019 Supersized Edition)
View Previous Roundup and Next Roundup Preface (Sorry for the long delay from last column; I’ll be posting somewhat more frequently from now on. See my previous post about why I no longer link to Amazon ebooks. I still link to author websites and Smashwords ebook links. For acronyms, KU means Kindle Unlimited, LE means…
NO DRM, plus my crappy attempt to persuade people to buy more ebooks!
I’ll be posting a superlong Robert’s Roundup this weekend and then another normal-sized one in the last week of December about the Smashwords (SW) ebook deals. As a general rule, I do NOT link to Amazon anymore (unless there is a special reason). Everyone knows how to use search engines, plus it saves time. For…
Time's Person of the Year should be "Reality Winner"
Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2019 should be Dallas woman Reality Winner. Reality Winner (yes, that’s her real name which was given at birth) served in the Air Force and was a multilingual American intelligence specialist who did her job well. Her Wikipedia page states that she learned Arabic, Dari and Pashtun to…
Climate Change Forum — CCL Katy (Mon Jan 6)
This page contains information about the nonpartisan CCL Climate Change Candidate Forum which is sponsored by the Katy chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby on Monday January 6. This event is free & open to the public, and all congressional candidates from TX7, TX10 and TX22 are invited to attend or send a campaign representative. Because…
RE: the solar energy "threat" (Letter to Editor)
Dear Houston Chronicle: I need to quibble with some of the wording in the otherwise excellent report on the emerging solar industry by L.M. Sixel on Monday Dec 2. According to the article, “Solar, however, may pose an even greater threat because unlike wind, it produces the most power when demand is highest — hot,…