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Abbreviations: KU means Kindle Unlimited, LE means that lending of this Kindle title is allowed, and APUB means it was published under an Amazon imprint.
Welcome to the “Just Phoning It In” edition of Robert’s Roundup. I already moved onto the June edition, and so I’ll clean up this skimpy mess when I have a spare moment.
Indie Author’s Spotlight
none yet
Smashword Sales
none yet
Ebooks published by Amazon imprints
Some of the Amazon imprints produce very inexpensive ebooks of varying quality. Some titles though are superb — and you should check previous roundups for my recommendations — I frankly ignore most of the genre stuff and focus on the international authors and biographies. Follow this link to see which titles are 99 cents for the month. (check previous columns here, here and here), so maybe my recs will be sparser than usual. All are KU APUB, (but not lendable!).
Under the Radar
Beethoven: A Life in Nine Pieces by Laura Turnbridge. I’m beginning to love arts biographies, and this one presents Beethoven’s life by presenting 9 pieces. The price has been 3-4$ for over a week.
Olive Branches don’t grow on Trees by Grace Mattioli.
Sentience: A Science Fiction Exploration of AI Through An Epic Turing Test (Book 1) by Courtney Hunter.
HOTEL OBSCURE: A Collection of Short Stories by Lisette Brodey.
Blink and It’s Gone Sales
The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes’ Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, & Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne.
Crow Planet: Essential Wisdom from the Urban Wilderness by Lyanda Lynn Haupt. Unusual personal story about an author’s relationship with the Crow species, with some biology and ecology thrown in. As usual, I love this stuff.
Creative Commons /Academic /Public Domain
none yet
Once in a Lifetime Deals
none this time
Review Copies Received
none this time
Between Worlds: A Poetry Collection
Stumbling Toward Happiness: Haibun and Hybrid Poems by Kat Lehmann.
Library Books & Printed Books bought (better world, Amazon, etc)
Dos Passos: A Life by Virginia Spencer Carr
Courtesans and Fishcakes: Consuming Passions of Classical Athens by James Davidson.
By Grand Central Station I sat down and wept. by Elizabeth Smart.
Ebook Reviews
Literary Articles and Essays
Literary Audio/Multimedia
Personville Press Giveaways and Deals
I run Personville Press, a small literary book press where all the ebooks cost less than $4. You can buy DRM-free copies of ebooks from Smashwords (and often at a substantial discount over the ebook’s price on Amazon). Alternatively, you can buy ebooks from Google, Amazon, BN, Apple and Kobo. During May 2021 Soldier Boys and Abruptions will be regularly discounted to 99 cents. Check them out! In May 2021 you can sign up for the Personville Press mailing lists to stay informed about upcoming sales and publications.
- Minor Sketches and Reveries by Alberto Balengo. ($4) Introspective tales involving animals, allegories and the melodrama of everyday life. Amazon | Smashwords |Google | BN | Apple | Kobo.
- Interview with the Sphinx. By Jack Matthews. ($2.99). Hyperintellectual Tom Stoppard-like play which reads like a novel about a strange interview with the ancient Sphinx character. Freud and Florence Nightingale show up too. I loved this play and even produced an audio version of it (3.99 on cdbabyand itunes), but the script reads well too.
- A Worker’s Writebook by Jack Matthews . $1.75 Matthews distributed a photocopied version of this writing guide to his Ohio U. creative writing students over the decades.
- Soldier Boys: Tales of the Civil War by Jack Matthews. $3.00 Philosophical Stories Taking place during the US Civil War.
- Abruptions: 3 Minute Stories to Awaken the Mind by Jack Matthews. Flash Fiction. $1.50
- Hanger Stout, Awake (50th Anniversary Edition). by Jack Matthews. Coming of age novel. $3.00
- Three Times Time Story Sampler by Jack Matthews (Always Free!) US Amazon customers can sometimes get it for free, but to make things easier, you can down these files directly without having to register: Epub, Mobi.
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