Category: Health & Nutrition

  • Exercise Ball Resources & Fitness Videos (Ongoing)

    I’ve started with the exercise ball. Gosh, parts are challenging! Also, I see how doing an exercise incorrectly can result in injury. (One person on a forum suggested that chiropractors saw a lot of people who messed up their backs by doing ball exercises wrong/when they weren’t ready for it). This is an ongoing list…

  • More Thoughts about My Balls

    Why have I become interested in exercise balls recently? I am not an exercise fanatic, but I’d like to lose a little weight and get myself in better shape. I’m not in bad shape now, but there’s always room for improvement. It came about after thinking about fitness centers and how expensive they are. I…

  • License Breakdown & Avocados

    Not exactly up to date, but a breakdown of what CC license people are choosing. I’m pretty shocked (and delighted) at this, but apparently avocados are pretty good for your health, according to WebMD writer, Michele Bloomquist: It’s true that avocados are high in fat — one reason they’ve earned the nickname “butter pear.” A…

  • Bush Policies Increases Abortions

    Nick Kristof on the failures of abstinence-only education: In 1988, a survey by the Alan Guttmacher Institute found that only 2 percent of sex-ed teachers used an abstinence-only approach. Now, the institute says, a quarter of them do. Other developed countries focus much more on contraception. The upshot is that while teenagers in the U.S.…

  • ADD and Working Adults

    Excellent Article by Lisa Belkin on how adults with signs of ADD deal with full time jobs. One obvious point: many bloggers exhibit signs of ADD as well, and having internet access for a cubicle worker is (for me at least) outright torture. It is accepted wisdom in A.D.D. circles that certain types of work…

  • A Geek Writes About Having Sex for the First Time

    A thoughtful essay about a male virgin about having sex for the first time with a prostitute (sexual references, but generally worksafe site): Perhaps they’ve built up your expectations so high that you’re expecting a wonderful experience, and the first time you go to a restaurant they are out of Tiramisu, so your tension is…

  • When to Turn off the AC?

    Umbra answers a Texan’s question about when should he turn off the AC? (also here) You may further leverage nature if you have a layout (and weather) that permits a cross breeze. Open the incoming breeze window a little, and the outgoing window a lot. On the out window place an out-facing window fan, which…

  • Antioxidants and Prevention

    Bob W’s Nutrition & the Immune System Weblog points to interesting data about the value of taking vitamin supplements. This is important reason for caution. It also raises the question of why the US media jumped so readily on the antioxidant bandwagon. It’s getting to the point where one never knows who to trust anymore…

  • High Cost of Dieting

    From Dr. Mercola, comes this amazing article by Nanci Hellmich about the high cost of dieting.

  • 5 Absolute Worst Foods You Can Eat

    No surprises on what’s on the absolute worst foods you can eat. If anyone could recommend good weblogs/news sites for nutritional information, let me know. I need to eat more healthily! (A good recipe recommendation would be nice too).