Category: Jack Matthews
Ok, the journey back..
I’ve been busy with various things over the weeks. Last week I attended the destination wedding of my sister Maureen in Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. Fun, but exhausting! It’s always a challenge trying to decide the reading material to bring on the trip. Eventually I settled on an early novel by Jack Matthews which…
Author Jack Matthews on the storytelling craft (Video)
You might already know that my Personville Press publishes various fiction titles by Jack Matthews (1925-2013). A year before he died, I went to Ohio and interviewed him about various things. I shot some video footage as well as audio footage about his books and life as an author. Here’s one audio slideshow I put…
Appreciation for Ohio author Jack Matthews (1925-2013)
Here’s a literary obituary and appreciation of Ohio author Jack Matthews who died on November 28 at the age of 88. I’ll probably write a more personal tribute later. Also, I finally posted the audio of the erudite 45 minute interview I did with Jack in 2010. A lot is going on at the moment…
Free short story collection by Jack Matthews
Regular visitors may already know that my small ebook publishing company (Personville Press) has been publishing several ebooks by the Ohio author Jack Matthews. I have actually been working hard on doing that (which explains why I post so rarely here). I am actually working on several titles with Mr. Matthews now (the most recent…
Hanger Stout, Awake! on sale now! (plus some ebook rants)
Regular readers already know by now that I run Personville Press and am a big fan of the fiction of Jack Matthews. (You may already have noticed the sidebar ads for his ebooks). I just wanted to mention that Personville recently published his 1967 classic Hanger Stout Awake as an ebook. If you buy directly…
The cool photo gallery I created
Here’s a large photo gallery I created of the cars of the novels by Jack Matthews. Lots of photos, a slow-loading page, but generally enjoyable (I wrote a short introductory essay as well).
Gambler’s Nephew by Jack Matthews (Book Review)
Print Editions: $12.44 ( as of Sept 6/2011) Amazon; Barnes & Noble ; Print Version Available (240 pages). Ebook: None. Estruscan Books, 2011 Author Website. Summary: A highly readable and historically accurate story about how an accidental killing of a slave in 19th century USA affects various families and communities. A old-fashioned yarn told with…
Free Writing Ebook: A Worker’s Writebook by Jack Matthews
Jack Matthews is a distinguished 86 year old fiction writer. Recently he published an ebook called A Worker’s Writebook. I helped him do the formatting and design for it. Between August 1 and September 4, 2011, this ebook will be a free download. See the ebook description page for more details about how to download…
Ghostly Populations Now Online
Here is a website about Jack Matthews. I’m writing a book on the writings of Jack Matthews, and I’ll be publishing essays there, providing news & updates and collecting secondary material about his works. I’ll probably cross-post longer stuff here and on ghostlypopulations, so you won’t miss anything by looking here.
Interview with U.S. Short Story Writer Jack Matthews
In this lengthy interview, Ohio short story writer, scholar and book collector shares his thoughts about writing and the state of literature.
More on Jack Matthews
A while back I wrote a short reaction to discovering the short story writer Jack Matthews. Since that time, I am in the middle of publishing a 5 part interview with Jack Matthews about his life and work (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5). Here is some critical material I wrote…