Category: Personal
Back in the Saddle (Memorial Day Edition)
Excuse the radio silence here for the last month. A lot has been going on in my life — maybe at some point I’ll go into detail, but not now. Generally though, my time sucks are behind me, so I’ll be back to blogging and other literary things. Stay tuned!
LIF (“Life” minus the letter “E”)
To my dismay, for six days or so, I found that typing a particular button on my PC wouldn’t work. I had to push this button again and again until it (finally!) did its job. That nonfunctioning button was (obviously) my “e” button. How long could humans last without it? Upon making a visit to…
At the risk of trying people’s patience, life events have prevented me from doing a Robert’s Roundup. I expect to do a column combining Smashwords + Amazon deals later this week.
Housekeeping Notes
Ok, running a little late on my roundups. I’ve busy doing other book-related stuff. Some other thoughts. Smashwords Roundup will definitely be tomorrow (it was practically ready last week). Before I thought I could do 4 Amazon roundups and 1 SW roundup a month. That’s not realistic. 1 SW roundup and 3 Amazon roundups seems…
Now, for Smashwords authors!
In my last post, I alluded to the fact that I’ll be posting more regularly on this blog about ebooks. I recently prepared a longish guide for Smashwords authors about how my blog can help you. I will be posting a once-a-month roundup of free and low cost Smashwords titles, with the first roundup appearing…
My Policy on Writing Book Reviews
(Occasionally I am contacted about my availability to write book reviews. Here’s something I wrote up to explain my policies and preferences). For over 4 years I’ve been posting a monthly column called Robert’s Roundup of Ebook Deals , a roundup of indie ebooks. This column includes both brief mentions of ebooks that sounded interesting,…
Fave Discoveries of 2017 (Movies, TV, Books, Music)
Ok, here’s my list of things I’ve been enthusiastic about in the year 2017. Anything which I highlighted in red and bold are not just great stuff, but things which bowled me over and probably will bowl you over too. AUDIO PLAY (45 minutes): PROGRESS OF THE SOUL OF LIZZIE CALVIN . This free/streamable drama by…
Let’s Not Demonize Hilary
I am proud to say that I voted for Hillary Clinton — a principled woman who had to put up with a lot for over 25 years of her public life. I know people are going to nitpick about what a flawed candidate she was — that’s only natural. But she is what she is.…
Not-dead update (Yet Again!)
As you know my blog has been hibernating for a long while. I have had a LOT of things going in my life right now which prevent blogging. Also, I regularly post on Facebook and Google Plus (a tough habit I have been trying to break for several years). I usually post identical things on…
Only Chumps with a Rump vote for Trump (Poem)
Only Chumps with a Rump vote for Trump. He will pump this country into a slump. Don’t make me a grump. Don’t be a lump. If you thump for Trump, You might as well jump into a dump! Let’s get over this mad callithump and dump this Trump. He’s no Forrest Gump. He’s just a…
Here is some news (or pre-news!)
I have been busy publishing the first ebook story collection by Jack Matthews, the first collection he has published in 23 years. Despite the somewhat small size, I consider this to be a major work — perhaps one of his best story collections. My company will be publishing his contemporary microfiction title, Abruptions this summer.…
Update, Plans, Etc
Hi, there. It’s been a while since I’ve posted updates. I’ve been busy with many things, but I wanted to throw out some news. First, I have been reading a ton of books recently — the majority of them are related to pedagogical methods. I plan to post one or two batches of brief book…
Dear PBS Newshour: Remove unnecessary onscreen text!
Here’s a message I sent via email (and Twitter) to the PBS Newshour: Dear PBS Newshour: I have been watching your news show for more than 25 years. It is a fantastic source of news and commentary. Recently you changed the look of your show. Nothing wrong with that. However, on today’s program (July 29)…
It needs to be said: books, books, books!
I am aware of how my sparse my blog posts have been recently. But I have been reading lots of good stuff. (Ironically I began a lot of stuff last summer which I didn’t get around to finishing until recently). Also, I’ve been reading lots of books about teaching and education which are worth mentioning.…
First Post from my Galaxy Tab Pro
I’m creating this test post to verify that I can post from my TABLET. Check out my Jack Matthews author page for more fun.. UPDATE: The wp client for android doesn’t seem to sync with desktop updates. THAT IS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM. OTHER USABILITY ISSUES: the tablet guide will save your update only…
Bringing the blog back to life
I have been furiously busy with my teaching job — and as of yesterday now have time to reclaim my writing projects. I plan to do a facelift on this blog within the week. Stay tuned! Update 1: Ok, I’ve going to be doing a lot of bug fixing and design tweaks. (What the heck…