Category: Violet-Hunt

  • Victorian Public Domain Paintings and William Holman Hunt

    Victorianweb Paintings is an exhaustive online collection of British painters from the Victorian period. Apparently the father of Violet Hunt was Alfred Hunt, a noted pre-Raphaalite painter at the time. To complicate things, there was a William Holman Hunt who, though he lived once at the same address, was not related. (I need to verify…

  • Violet Hunt Part 2

    More things found about Violet Hunt: Nancy Smith discusses the section on Violet Hunt in Deborah Martinson’s book ” In the Presence of Audience: The Self in Diaries and Fiction” When she was in her forties, she hooked up with Ford, an up-and-coming writer in his early 30s. He was already married, but separated, not…

  • Who is Violet Hunt?

    I’ve been going through birthdates of authors and just discovered an author who might be a very interesting project for me. Violet Hunt. Here’s what wikipedia has on her: Isobel Violet Hunt (September 28 1862 – January 16, 1942) was a British writer, now best known for her supernatural fiction. Her father was the artist…