7 Minute Link Dump

I have busy with lots of things and been determined NOT to blog about anything. But I’ve been bursting recently, and am allowing myself 7 minutes to do a link dump:

Blogger extraordinaire J Wynia is running for mayor. I’ve been catching up on his Glass is too Full podcast. The podcast so far has sound quality issues, but the content is great. Check out his post on Convergence vs. Interoperability and Digital Content and Business Models. His meme: “multiple revenue streams.” Throw out various websites, put google adSense on all of them, and see which ones (if any) attract traffic and clicks. Wynia not only has some great ideas for web apps, he also has a good sense of how to monetize creativity. I’d vote for him.

Man parlays the sale of a red paper clip into a house.

Boiled shrimp and the sunk cost fallacy. See also Motley Fool guide to investments.

Plone weblogger/podcaster Tom Parish has a podcast and an SEO blog.

Best practices for time travellers.

Once upon a time , an amazing analysis of how progressive politics is failing in today’s society. The writer seems to be an academic/philosophy professor or something like that. See Trapped in the wrong paradigm. See also the Alice Miller essays, thoughts about torture, ethics, obedience, authoritarianism.

Lew Rockwell on why NSA wiretapping leads to spying on citizens.

Daily Howler analyzes why media treatment of Gore caused him to lose the election. (several parts).

Get Rich slowly meta-list of Best Personal Development sites.

Wow, here’s a great sitemap of I will teach you to be rich. How did he do that?

Great comparison of Google video and Youtube.

Chinese filmmaker is finally released from prison. Also in the What were they thinking department: Heavy-handed russian police arrest dissidents. In the meantime Russia and US announce a deal on WTO membership for Russia.

Reference guide on taping. One thought: preface every business telephone call by saying, “I do not consent to the taping of this call.”

Guide to using Evolution. BTW, I never realized how hard it is to export out of MS Outlook until I actually tried it. You can’t even export from Outlook to Outlook Express.

Plone-wise, Quills now has a beta release with better features and more metaweblog API support. Here’s a website wiki capturing the work of a New York plone sprint. That is one sprint I would have liked to attend.

Guy Kawasaki posts: How to be a good panel moderator , Graduation speech on Hindsights. Here’s more on Hindsights. Someday, I should write up my own hindsights.

It’s a little long, but here’s a Youtube video showing how Kubrick shot the Shining.



