Social Media Dump May 2022

See also:  April 2022 and June 2022 (View all)

I’ve been really behind on a lot of stuff, so I’m keeping my social media in one monthly post.

FILTRATION CAMPS ARE REAL: Perhaps the most shocking thing about the Russian attacks is the least publicized: Russian armies have been capturing Ukrainian noncombatants in Western Ukraine — taking their identity papers and cellphones and deporting them out of Ukraine and deep into Russia. There are scattered media reports, but nobody knows the true number. Some Ukrainian media say that about 1.2 million Ukrainian citizens have been essentially kidnapped into these filtration camps and removed from Ukraine. It may take weeks or even months to know the true number or the true extent of the horrors from this process, but make no mistake: Russia filtration camps are real, and the Russian state bears full responsibility for this awful thing. Here’s a BBC report from April and a first hand account by a Ukrainian writer in late March.

BAD JOURNALISTS WHO WIN PULITZERS: This report retells the story of a terrible US journalist who believed Soviet misinformation about the Ukraine famines and showed pro-Stalin sympathies. This US reporter later won a Pulitzer prize! “Duranty simply toed the line because it was good for his career — excusing and rejecting the deadliness of Stalin’s rule well past any moment of possible denial.”






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