Category: Offbeat/Humor

  • Messages to My Dog

    I love my dog AJ, but I just wish for 5 minutes we could speak the same language so I can give him a piece of my mind. Here is a list of the things I would say: Just because I am entering my kitchen does NOT mean I will be fetching you a dog…

  • News Flash: Green-headed Dufus Repents!

    Yesterday I got my hair cut at a budget hair salon run by  Vietnamese people. Mostly older woman, but a few young men. Probably none  of them spoke English other than a few key phrases. (“Thank you” “You want hair cut?”, etc). I arrived in the middle of the day when half of the workers…

  • Name that Grandmother: Take this very interesting test.

    I made a tongue-in-cheek test to measure your knowledge of a very important subject.  For various reasons related to search engines, I will not include a hyperlink, but the link is here: I realize that the answers will seem impossible to those who don’t know me personally (and even the people who know me…

  • Recent Political Cartoons

    Here’s some entertaining editorial cartoons and photos I found from Daniel Kurtzman’s political humor blog on

  • Linkdump: Video

    Hot Girls Wage Lawsuit against Facebook privacy policy (satire). I’ll guess you do. Cynical animation by Mike Polk about relationships and marriage.  I’m not sure whether men or women will find this video more depressing. Here’s the hilarious One Semester of Spanish Love Song and 2nd Semester of Spanish Love Song. iPhone4 vs. HTC Evo…

  • Political Cartoons of Barry Deutsch

    Barry Deutsch has some great political cartoons. Deutsch is a Portland based cartoonist who studied under Will Eisner and is based at leftycartoons and other places. He’s done some bona fide comic projects (including Hereville, a comic book about an 11 year old troll-fighting Orthodox Jewish girl). Ok. that’s a little off the beaten track….…

  • 2 Fave Twitters

    Tom Tomorrow: Sometimes Twitter feels like a bunch of blindfolded, gagged ppl trying to communicate. This isn’t social media, it’s a fetish party. Tiny Revolution: I wonder if there’s an amount of aid we could give Israel that would get them to stop killing Americans. Seriously, I have never been tempted to twit something in…

  • Some Video Fun: Youth in Asia

    Noam Chomsky answers Al Jazeera about his recent visa problems with a dry sense of humor. Ali G did an interview with Noam Chomsky (not to mention Andy Rooney). Here’s his book pitch to several NY publishers, his interview with a feminist  and his interview with various art critics. Here’s a great interview with medical…

  • Risque URL here!

    I read a lot of intellectual stuff online. But occasionally I find stuff that is absolutely risque/hilarious. Should I blog about it? Generally I avoid doing so – fearing that a family member or future girlfriend or employer will come across this.  For a while, I just kept these risque URLs  on stumbleupon bookmarks. But …

  • Dog Canyon: Habeas Coyote Corpus

    Texas journal Dog Canyon just published a great & hilarious essay about why Rick Perry carries a pistol with him during his morning jog

  • Sexy Viral Video Film School & Other Funny Stuff

    Here’s a 22 minute special “sexy” edition of Viral Video Film School hosted by the always hilarious Brett Erlich.  I wouldn’t watch it while  at work, but it’s the kind of “funny clips”  show which I could easily see on late night TV.  (More videos). Also, if you’re looking for some sources of mindless humor,…

  • Carnival of Fun at MOMA

    Responding to   an article by Claudia La Rocca about this provocative MOMA exhibit featuring live nude models, here are some entertaining and interesting comments from readers (See below). Three  brief comments: As amazing as it sounds, but after looking through Youtube and Google Images, I could not find a single image by   Marina Abramovic that…

  • Ipad: More Reviews

    Andy Borowitz reports: iPad Wins Nobel Peace Prize. Also, on his twitter feed, he muses, “Someone needs to develop an iPad app that will make people stop talking about their iPads.” Beepo the Dolphin reviews the iPad. His verdict? “After repeatedly throwing it up in the air with my tail, the device eventually landed on…

  • Awkward Family Photos

    From awkward family photos. More fun under the fold.

  • Fake AP Stylebook (and other hilarities)

    I don’t normally promote twitter feeds, but the fake AP Stylebook is one of my faves.  Here are my fave entries (in random order): Advice columns should avoid the following phrases: “justifiable homicide,” “purifying flame,” “just cut it off.” The plural of apostrophe is “apostrophe’s.” It is not necessary to refer to the Mountain Time…

  • Lukewarm critical response

    In other news, a massive celebrity picks a random person to twitter about.  Joy ensues.  By the way, I am (ahem) on twitter. Lest it need to be repeated, I care so incredibly little about twitter. It is like lint or leftover dental floss: it will distract you before you toss it aside.  (Which reminds…