Category: Gadgets
Juicing Up
Tomorrow I’ll be traveling to Austin in preparation for Sunday’s Wiener Dog Race. In preparation for my trip, I am charging my iPad and my Zune and my miniature mp3 player (long story). Also, I need to charge my camera battery and my cell phone. Now that I think about it, I am in the…
Ipad: More Reviews
Andy Borowitz reports: iPad Wins Nobel Peace Prize. Also, on his twitter feed, he muses, “Someone needs to develop an iPad app that will make people stop talking about their iPads.” Beepo the Dolphin reviews the iPad. His verdict? “After repeatedly throwing it up in the air with my tail, the device eventually landed on…
Random Ipad Links & Musings
A commenter remarks: Apple has negotiated a product-placement deal with the fabric of reality itself. All this week, your friends are required to tweet about iPads, and comedians are required to work the iPad into bad jokes. Obama is going to tape his weekly video address while holding an iPad. Here are some things that…
My ipad purchase
I finally did it: I purchased an ipad. I purchased the 32 gig device without 3g (although the monthly price was tempting indeed). My main purpose was professional: to see how it would change reading and to test ebook designs on it. See Craig Mod’s article about book design on the ipad. I am not…
Just ordered: Thinkpad T400 laptop!
Ok, for the last 6 months I’ve been hunting around for a new laptop. I need a sturdy powerful laptop which had some bells and whistles which would be useful especially for giving presentations. I ended up spending between $1250-1300. Some observations: I thought I was saving money by ordering my RAM and hard drive…
My thoughts on Video on Demand with the Roku
As you know, I bought that $99 Roku box that lets me watch 12,000 Instant Videos on Demand on my TV set. Instant Video on demand is a freebie if you have any Netflix subscription. (my subscription is $9 per month). It has totally overwhelmed me. It has excited me about movie watching in a…
My Camera Purchase
Last night, after a week of hemming and hawing, I finally purchased my camera. The winner is Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5A 9MP Digital Camera with 10x Wide Angle MEGA Optical Image Stabilized Zoom (Blue)” $276.94 Lenmar DLP007 Lithium-ion Digital Camera/Camcorder Battery Equivalent to the Panasonic CGR-S007A Battery” Electronics; $9.15 LLC1 “Samsonite Adaptor Plug – Europe, Middle…
Telephones committing suicide
An unwary telephone customer receives an itemized cellphone bill in the mail listing every website his wacko phone downloaded. By late March I was noticing a disturbing trend on my phone. As it sat on my desk during the day it would go into a curious state, displaying odd screens and eventually crashing. I occasionally…
Iphone: what needs to change
With the rise of the iphone, two things are becoming more imperative: You need to have separate css for handheld devices. You need to have a strategy for chunking information on your page. Iphone’s dirty little secret is that the screenshots and tv commercials make the iphone look a lot larger than it is. In…
Iphones cost $2280
Bruce Kushnick does on an expose on AT&T’s iphone deal. Kushnick is a telco expert who I’ve linked to before. He disapproves of the business practices of the telcos. He’s strident but usually has his facts right. Update: this Digg discussion highlights a few realities: these gotchas are on almost every cellular contract (true!), receivers…
Dwight Pronouncements & Ebook Progress
I emailed this to several friends and family members, so I thought my blog should be entitled to have it as well. Dwight Silverman writes his annual reports on the minimum specs for laptops these days. (See also this confession of a Dell Sales Manager). It mentions a few interesting things: better tech support when…
Importing OPML files into PDA (not the whole thing, please!)
Can I ask for something? I am having to transfer my OPML files into RSS readers in portable devices. This has been happening often. I can export OPML files from netvibes or bloglines. The problem is I almost never want to import ALL my RSS feeds. I have a thousand or so in bloglines, 200…
Imagine what it would be like to see what a camera sees. Now somebody built a catcam to find out.
Further reasons to hate geekdom
I’ve been tricking out my Dell Axim and am quickly discovering how –thanks to no documentation –seemingly straightforward tasks seem impossibly hard (and end up wasting lots of time). A primary reason I allowed myself to buy another PDA is being able to use it for skype. I did some googling around and found that…
Which headset solution to choose?
Ok, now that I have my Dell Axim pda, I have to choose a headset solution for using skype calls. I can choose: tiny earbed earplugs that fit into my Axim microphone jack (cost: 40$) or some fancy bluetooth wireless headphone solution (either the Motorola HT 820 for $70 or the more expensive SonyDR-BT30Q at…
Hardware Update: Dell Axim X51v
Well, I bought a Dell Axim X51. You may remember I used to have a Dell Axim X50, but my robbers took it from me . I already have a Nokia 770, and I somewhat enjoy it (especially the RSS reader, FBReader and browser), but other things about it annoyed me. It was not easy…