While stumbling upon random things on Youtube, I came across this hilarious comedy character called Lauren Cooper (played by Catherine Tate).
- Catherine Tate with David Tennant (of Dr. Who). The unspoken joke is that Catherine Tate was the female sidekick during Season 4 of the new Doctor Who show.
- Here’s the Cheerleading sketch (my fave).
- Wedding proposal sketch.
- Billy Burger episode.
- Tattoo episode.
Amazingly, I stumbled upon Catherine Tate on Season 4 of Doctor Who (a friend of mine tells me that her comic talents were underutilized on this show).
Charlie Jane Anders has a guide for getting started with Doctor Who.
Finally, Stephen Moffat wrote an outstanding Doctor Who parody episode. Moffat wrote some of the best episodes in the new Doctor Who including the Empty Child and Blink. He also was the main writer for the British sex comedy Coupling.
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