In reviewing Monk Turner’s latest album, Kaleidoscope, I wanted to try a technique that writer Paul Ford used when reviewing SXSW music tracks. He wrote 6 word reviews of every single music track at the festival (all 1000 of them!).
White. Ebullient vocals bursting ahead –with piano.
Blue. Nonsequitur lyrics, skipping outside, lightly, saxily.
Fuchsia. Joyful Jingle about an unpronounceable word.
Marron, Chic, catchy madcap Euro-lounge nonsense.
Beige . Encomium to Blandness. Uncontroversial neutrality — hurrah!
Deep sea blue … Lullaby for the forlorn. Waltzing Alone.
Chartreuse: Jazzy sensual investigations: Peculiar! Sexy! Gross!
Zymenchlora — moody & somewhat lugubrious long tones….
Silver — being 2nd Best ain’t so bad.
Gray – Slow, Sullen warbling. Strange, pretty singing.
Bistre — glistening, enigmatic lyrics transforming into — what?
Purple — Slow Wistful duet on AM Radio.
Solid Gold. Great 80s car commercial, retro slacks.
Cerulean. Happy-go-lucky wistful upbeat duet.
Yellow. Cool, sassy female. Totally fbomb-worthy!
Green. hazy postmodern multilingual sampling. Choppy unpredictabilities!
Tan. Self-Assured Recitative about graham crackers.
Magenta. Pondering, wondering, elusive strumming. Is it….?
In summary: quirky songs (with outbursts of poetry)
Added bonuses. Read my profile of Monk Turner’s other album projects and a 20 minute dialogue between Turner and Alanna Lin about the writing of that marvelous song Totally Blue
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