Category: creativecommons

  • Music Review: Monk Turner’s Kaleidoscope (Free Download)

    In reviewing Monk Turner’s latest album, Kaleidoscope, I wanted to try a technique that writer Paul Ford used when reviewing SXSW music tracks. He wrote 6 word reviews of every single music track  at the festival (all 1000 of them!). White. Ebullient vocals bursting ahead –with piano. Blue. Nonsequitur lyrics, skipping  outside, lightly, saxily.  Fuchsia.…

  • Interview with Monk Turner (Creative Commons Musician)

    (See also my profile of Monk Turner: LA Song Writer and Concept Album Creator, his official website and musical blog. All of his albums are free for downloading and sharing from various places). Musical Inspirations How has your biography or geography affected the kind of music you make? What do you think is unique or…

  • My Favorite Playlists

    Latest playlists by Robert Nagle of totally awesome (and totally free) music. Listen and download!

  • Interview with Vavrek & John Holowach (Tryad)

    Recently writer and critic Robert Nagle made a list of 11 Incredible Musicians You Can Download for Free . Many of the musicians on this top list make their music freely available on Jamendo, a free and legal music sharing site. Several musicians  appearing on this  list also gave interviews to this blog  (Read the…

  • Interview with Hannah Sheehan (No Really)

    Recently writer and critic Robert Nagle made a list of 11 Incredible Musicians You Can Download for Free. Many of the musicians on this top list make their music freely available on Jamendo, a free and legal music sharing site. Several musicians  appearing on this  list also gave interviews to this blog  (Read the other…

  • How much money does the artist receive from a paypal donation?

    How Much of Your Donation Goes to the Artist Donation Amount Paypal (from U.S.A.) Paypal (From Outside U.S.A.)         Transaction Fee –> 2.9% + $.30 3.9% + $.30 $1 $.67 $.66 $2 $1.64 $1.62 $3 $2.61 $2.58 $4 $3.58 $3.54 $5 $4.55 $4.50 $10 $9.41 $9.31 $20 $19.12 $18.92 So, if you live in the…