I lived in Albania for 2 years during which I sat in many a bus travelling for hours from one city to another. We were at the mercy of the bus driver’s musical tastes. I remember vividly hearing La Macarena all the time (it was an incessant banality even in Albania ). Every bus driver on every bus seemed to play this same pirated cassette during any bus trip longer than 30 minutes. Oddly, the song after Macarena on the cassette was this crazy tasteless techno song called Sex on the Phone. Enjoyed Macarena, hated Sex on the Phone (I also hated La Bouche’s Be My Lover too, but that is another story). The techno is absolutely monotonous, the words make no sense and in the middle of the song, this woman’s voice goes into several prolonged orgasmic moans. Imagine me inside an Albanian bus surrounded by all sorts of older Muslims (including grandmothers!) and perhaps a livestock or two and then hearing this woman’s prolonged orgasm. It was so embarrassing.
Nowadays I feel nostalgic about that period of my life, including bad techno. So I did some youtubing and found more information about the Swiss/German group that sang the song. Apparently the group’s name is E-rotic, and they enjoyed success for a few years as a novelty + disco dance band with sex appeal. They use these light-hearted lyrics with blatantly sexual connotations, and yet the way they are sung are so nonsensical and campy that you can’t help but enjoy the little joke. In the 21st century their songs are popping up under Dance Dance Revolution.
Apparently the lead vocal talent (who has an Abba-like quality) left the band after a few years, but the band continued to go touring, doing these wild dance performances.
(It’s hard to figure out if these songs are NSFW. Be forewarned).
Here’s the no-video version of the song, the cartoon is unavailable at the moment). I showed this music video to several people and agreed it is hilariously bad and entertaining at the same time.
Here’s an example of the lyrics from a song King Kong (the video has really cheesy and sexual graphics-). The dirty little secret is that all the songs sound exactly the same!
My lova lova King Kong turn me on
I want your ringa ding dong all night long
I need you here
I need you there
I need your ringa ding dong everywhere
My lova lova lova King Kong do it right
Oh Baby ! It’s a ping pong deep inside
I want your ding
I want your dong
I want your ringa ding dong
My King Kong
Oh ! Come on
Oh ! King Kong ring my gong
(King Kong… King Kong… King Kong… King Kong…)
Let’s go out !
You’re my geisha queen
You’re the best I’ve ever seen
You’re the one and everything
And I’m gonna ring your ding
If you wait for me tonight
You will be my sexy bride
Wait’n’see it can’t be wrong
With my dong I’ll ring your gong
Ooooh! It will be so nice
Baby let’s do it twice
Get on down down on your knees
I don’t need so guarantee
Baby right now I want your love
More of all that heavy stuff
Move it up and move along
With my ringa dinga dinga dong
Here’s lyrics for another song, Help Me Dr. Dick which actually is pretty catchy:
I’m doc, doc, doctor Dick
And when you’re feeling sick
Babe, I know a trick
It’s sex, and it’s sex, you’ll be feelin’ alright
Hey, let’s have sex together and forever tonight
I’m your doc, doc, doctor doctor Dick
And I gonna heal you with my fabulous stick
So, undress, please, undress, but don’t
be a sleeper
I will touch you, I will touch you,
Come on, please help me doctor Dick
I need your love, I feel so sick
I need a kick and you’re so big
Oh doctor, please, deep, deep, deeper
Help me doctor Dick
My fever’s rising, please come quick
I know you know a little trick
Oh, doctor, please, deep, deep, deeper
Come on, help me, doctor Dick
Come on, doctor, help me quick
Come on, help me, doctor Dick
Come on, doctor, help me quick
I’m doc, doc, doctor Dick
Oh baby, I can heal your nervous tick
So lay down, hey, lay down
I will check what is wrong
So, gather thrill technical, it moves you along
I’m your doc, doc, doctor doctor Dick
I can make you feel good
And you can make me big
And for sure, got a cure
Cause you’re not a peeper
I will touch you, I will touch you,
Other music videos of songs: Max Don’t have sex with your Ex, Fred Come to Bed, Fritz Love my Tits, Sex is a Thrill with a Pill. Other titles:
* July 1994: Max Don’t Have Sex With Your Ex
* 1995: Fred Come To Bed
* June 1995: Sex On The Phone
* 1995: Willy Use A Billy… Boy
* 1996: Help Me Dr. Dick
* April 1996: Fritz Love My Tits
* 1996: Gimme Good Sex (Germany)
* 1997: Thank You For The Music
* 1997 The Winner Takes It All
* 1997: Turn Me On
* 1998: Baby Please Me
* 1998: Die Geilste Single Der Welt
* 1999: Oh Nick Please Not So Quick
* August 26, 1999: Kiss Me
* 1999: Mambo No. Sex
* 2000: Gimme Gimme Gimme
* February 14, 2000: Queen Of Light
* 2000: Don’t Make Me Wet
* 2001: Billy Jive (With Willy’s Wife)
* 2001: King Kong
* 2003: Max Don’t Have Sex With Your Ex 2003
Apparently e-rotic broke off into another group called Sex Appeal. Here’s a song, Let me Feel Your Sex Appeal. Here’s a great song sung by Lyane Leigh, Sensuality. Wow the resemblance to Madonna in terms of style and voice and lyrics is remarkable! (A hot song too!). (Here’s some techno/house music set to anime video here ).
I don’t really have any analysis here, except to say that E-rotic seems to have a lot in common with Abba and the dancey disco of Village People and Spice Girls. It calls attention to the relaxed attitude Europe seems to have towards things sexual. Once in Albania I watched a crazy Italian couples gameshow where a wrong answer would cause the woman to have to discard a piece of clothing. This was a family show on Sunday night at 7:00 PM! The Muslim family I stayed with were all watching it and laughing at it. It was slightly scandalous, yet harmless and certainly not intended to tease or arouse. Compare to the US, where if there’s a portrayal of sex, (in a drama or reality show), there has to be some moralizing tone, and maybe a reference to some extreme fetish or sex crime.
I haven’t followed pop music recently (certainly not the ones pimped on MTV or Disney!), but I would guess you’d find more double entendres out of a Cole Porter song than a Justin Timberlake. (Rap music is the exception–but who the heck knows what they’re saying).
Update: Look like the Cheeky Girls have taken over the mantle of double entendre pop. See the Cheeky Song.
Warning: It looks as though these songs are frequently removed from youtube. I’ve tried updating the URLs several times. Finally I’ve decided to let the links go bad and just let you search for the latest version of the song on youtube. (Most of the times the songs are still there, but the URL keeps changing).
Update 2. It looks like S.E.X. Appeal has finally figured out the Internet. Here’s the Facebook page for S.E.X. Appeal and their Band Camp page (where you buy most of E-rotic songs). I have to admit, each time I remember this group and their songs, I immediately start humming them and the annoying techno effects. This is genuine admiration!
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